Claudio Arrau
1903 - 1991

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 A Bibliography

 This Bibliography contains details of
as many relevant printed publications as collected,
including books, magazine/newspaper articles, and concert programmes.

These Library Items are to be auctioned or bequeathed some time before 2015,
along with all Items entered in the
 Complete Discography .

- Books & Printed Articles [This Section]
- Concert Programmes / Posters / Flyers / Catalogues [Separate Section]


Musical America
298-page Special Edition magazine. 25.4 cm x 33.4 cm.
Cover page photograph of Claudio Arrau.
Published in Pennsylvania from New York on 15 February, 1955.

Claudio Arrau
"Les Grands Interprètes"
Texte de Bernard Gavoty, critique musical du 'Figaro'.
avec 21 photographies, texte manuscrit et discographie.
Éditions René KISTER, Genève, 1962
33 pages.

Claudio Arrau

"Great Concert Artists" Series
Text by Bernard Gavoty, translated into English by S. Benoit
with 21 photographs, handwritten text, and discography.
Published by René KISTER, Geneva, 1962
33 pages.

Claudio Arrau
Reihe "Die Grossen Interpreten"
Text von Bernard Gavoty, ins Deutsche übersetzt von A.H. und L. Eichmann.
mit 21 Fotos, ein handschriftlicher Tex, und Discographie.
Verlag René KISTER, Genf, 1962
33 Seiten.


Ludwig van Beethoven´s Piano Sonatas, Volumes I and II
Edited by Claudio Arrau
with the assistance of Philip Lorenz
and the musical revision of Lothar Hoffmann-Erbrecht
Edition Peters No. 8100a and 8100b.
C.F. Peters Frankfurt, Leipzig, London, New York, 1973 and 1978.
Paperbacks: 286 pages + appendix, and 331 pages + appendix.
Printed in Germany: ISM N M-014-05986-6 and ISM N M-014-05989-7


Große Interpreten im Gespräch
by Robert C. Bachmann.
In German.
Claudio Arrau: pages 35-53.
Hallwag Verlag, Bern und Stuttgart, 1977
Harcover: 224 pages.
Commentaries, interview and photographs.

ISBN  3  444  10184  8

A l'écoute des grands interprètes
by Robert C. Bachmann.
Translated from German into French.
Claudio Arrau: pages 35-53.
Editions Payot Lausanne , 1977
Paperback: 232 pages.
Commentaries, interview and photographs.

ISBN  2  601  00011  2

Große Pianisten in unserer Zeit
von Joachim Kaiser
R. Piper & Co. Verlag, München, Zürich, ©1972.   
Sonderausgabe/Special Edition 1978.

260 Seiten. Fotographien.
Interview mit Arrau: Seiten Nr. 110 bis 121, ein Foto.
ISBN:  3  492  02385  1

Great Pianists of our Time
by Joachim Kaiser
Herder and Herder, New Yourk.   
[Translation from German].

230 pages. Photographs.
Interview mit Arrau: Seiten Nr. 110 bis 121, ein Foto.
ISBN:  3  492  02385  1


Musiker im Gespräch - Claudio Arrau
von Jürgen Meyer-Josten.
Henry Litolff's Verlag.
Frankfurt, New York, London.
Broschüre mit 20 Seiten. 2 Fotographien.
Edition C.F. Peters Nr. EP 8440.


Conversations with Arrau
Written by Joseph Horowitz
Collins, London, 1982
Hardcover. 9 + 318 pages.
ISBN  0  00  216290  3

1983 ASCAP Deems Taylor Award for excellence in writing about music.

Claudio Arrau - Ein Interpreten-Portrait
von Ingo Harden

Musik im Ullstein Buch, Wein, 1983
Taschenbuch. 144 Seiten.
ISBN  3  548  40001  9
Musikkassette Philips 0647 147.


Claudio Arrau - Leben mit der Musik
Aufgezeichnet von Joseph Horowitz Conversations with Arrau.
Deutsch von Rudolf Hermstein
Scherz Verlag, Bern, München, Wien, Erste Auflage 1984.
Hardcover. 320 pages.


Arrau.  Por Joseph Horowitz
Traducción de 'Conversations with Arrau', a cargo de Claudia Adán.
Javier Vergara Editor S.A. Buenos Aires. Argentina. Junio de 1984.
ISBN  950  15  0284  8.
Encuadernación blanda. 318 páginas.


Claudio Arrau en Chile, 1984
por La Corporación Cultural de la Ilustre Municipalidad de Santiago:
Teatro Municipal.
Director responsable: Luis Osvaldo de Castro.
Textos: Sonia Quintana.
Fotógrafos: B. Prieto, C. Ponce, J.P. Arrau, J. Perry, J. Alsina,

T. El-Saca, C. Ruiz-Tagle, y H. Lee.
Arte, diseño y producción: MACKAOS.
Edición fotográfica de 48 páginas.
6 000 ejemplares impresos en 1984 por Cabo de Hornos.

Ejemplar autografiado.

Claudio Arrau: Lo que nunca se dijo de su viaje a Chile
de Inés María Cardone.
Fondo Cultural Diario La Tercera y Editorial Andrés Bello.
Santiago, Chile, 1984
En rústica. 159 páginas.  Inscripción 58 994.


Reflections from the Keyboard:
The world of the concert pianist

by David Dubal.
Interviews with 35 leading pianists.
Arrau's interview runs from page 16 through to 33.
Summit Books, New York, 1984
Hardcover. 400 pages.
ISBN:  0  671  49240  3.


Arrau parle - Convesations avec Joseph Horowitz
Conversations with Arrau traduit de l'anglais et préfacé par André Tubeuf
Éditions Gallimard, France, 1985.
Paperback. 304 pages. Photographs.


Pianists at Play -
Interviews, Master Lessons, and Technical Regimes

by Dean Elder
Claudio Arrau appears in two interviews and one master lesson:
1967 interview: The Beethoven Sonatas - Performance Insights
1971 interview:  Pianistic Issues - At Easy with Claudio Arrau
1961:  Master Lesson on Seven Pieces from Schumann's Carnaval
Interviews with 25 other pianists, master lessons by 12 other pianists, technical regimes by 5 pianists.
First published by Kahn and Averill, UK, 1986.
Copyright 1982 by The Instrumentalist Company. ISBN 0-900707-91-7.
Hard cover. 324 pages. Photographs.


Claudio Arrau- Leben Mit Der Musik
Conversations with Arrau by Joseph Horowitz.
Aus dem Amerikanischen von Rudolf Hermstein.
Die deutsche Ausgabe 1984 beim Scherz Verlag, Bern und München.  
Piper, München Zürich, Germany.
Paperback. 320 pages.


Claudio Arrau
"King and Emperor combined", The Times, London

Journalists' Reference Book
of articles and photographs including a selection of -
biographical notes, events in later years, record and video reviews, live performances reviews,
magazine covers, and a few programmes of live performances.

21.0 cm x 27.2 cm x 2.5 cm


Compilation of interviews with 13 outstanding pianists by German journalist
Juergen Meyer-Josten, made between 1969 and 1974, translated into French.
M. Argerich. C. Arrau. S. Askenase. D. Barenboim. A Brendel. R. Casadesus.
C. Curzon. C. Eschenbach. F. Gulda. W. Kempff. M. Perahia. M. Pollini. S. Richter.
The Claudio Arrau's section is covered on pp. 21 to 35 inclusive.
Editions Van de Velde, Paris, France.
Paperback. 192 pages.
I.S.B.N. 2-85868-143-0.


Great Contemporary Pianists Speak for Themselves
by Elyse March
Dover Edition (Volumes I & II)
Claudio Arrau (volume I, p. 1 to 11) &
Garrick Ohlsson (volume II, p. 173 to 197)
From Dodd, Mead and Company Inc. New York, 1980 & 1988.
Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1991
Paperback. xi + 196 + ix + 258 pages.
ISBN  0  486  26695  8


Claudio Arrau: El Maestro.
De niño prodigio a genio musical.

Sociedad Editora Revista ERCILLA Ltda.
con documentos de la Corporación Arrau y el auspicio de SONY.
Chile, 19 de junio de 1991.

En rústica. 126 páginas.


Claudio Arrau: Un prodigio apacible.
de Sonia Quintana Rojas
"Grandes figuras de nuestra historia"
Empresa Editora Zig Zag, S.A. Santiago, Chile, 1993
En rústica. 100 páginas.
ISBN  956  12  0815  6


Grand Piano
by Piero Rattalino
La recherche di Claudio Arrau, pp. 5 to 7
Claudio Arrau: Logos, Pathos, Ethos, pp. 67 to 70
Settembre 1996 Ermitage s.r.l., Bolognia, Italia.
Paperback. 126 pages.


Arrau on Music and Performance - Afterword
by Joseph Horowitz
Dover Publications, Mineola, New York, 1999
Paperback. 305 pages.
ISBN  0  486  40846  9


Arrau, el Hombre y el Artista

de Antonio Landauro.

Edición limitada, patrocinada por La Sociedad Musical Santa Cecilia de Chillán
Impresores Santa Cecilia, Chillán, 2002
Empastado.  17,2 x 24,4 cm.  293 páginas.
Número Registro Propiedad Intelectual  125.759.


Cuatro aproximaciones al arte de Arrau
de Héctor Vasconcelos,
con prólogo de Mario Lavista.
DGE Ediciones, México, 2002
Encuadernación de lujo. 179 páginas.
ISBN  968  5011  23  0


Claudio Arrau: prodige, dandy, visionnaire.

de André Tubeuf
Préface de Daniel Baremboim
NIL editions, Paris, 2003
Livre broché. 212 pages.
ISBN 2-84111-282-9


Die Klaviertechnik in der Tradition von Claudio Arrau
Freier Bewegungsfluss als Grundlahe von Tongestaltung und Virtuosität.

von Christoph Öhm-Kühnle
unter Miterbeit von Daniela Ballek
Verlag Dohr, Köln, 2004/5
Zeitschriftenformat. Mit fotographischen Abbildungen. 42 Seiten.
ISBN 3-936655-22-7


Claudio Arrau, 100 Años
de Luis Merino Montero.

Prólogo: Sergio Bitar
Memorial Cultural de Ñuble, Chile, Junio de 2005
Empastado. 21,3 x 27,5 cm.  182 páginas.
Inscripción No. 134012.  
ISBN  956  7813  33  7


The Teaching of Claudio Arrau and his Pupils
Piano Pedagogy as Cultural Work
PhD dissertation by Victoria von Arx, Faculty of Music, City University of New York

UMI Microform 3231979, 2006
Hardcover. 15.8 x 22.3 cm.  xiii plus 406 pages.
UMI No. 3231979


Claudio Arrau León y el
Congreso Nacional de Chile, 1908-1921

de Fernando Arrau Corominas

Ediciones Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile, Enero 2009
Paperback. 13.1 x 16.0 cm.  64 pages.
Plus sample CD and a 13-vintage-photo set in a de luxe case.
ISBN 978-956-7629-08-4


Cinq pianistes interprètent Beethoven
Arrau, Gulda, Levines, Nikolayeva, Schnabel
par Nicolas Lagoumitzis

L'Harmattan, Paris, 2010
Paperback. 13.4 x 21.4 cm.  353 plus 10 pages.
ISBN 978-2-296-10327-6


Hijos del Bío Bío, Perfiles Humanos
por Margarita Rodríguez
S. y María del Carmen Lavín I.
Profiles of 16 outstanding Chileans.
The Claudio Arrau section is entitled 'El último inmortal del teclado',
written by Ricardo Cárcamo Ulloa, and covered on pp. 143 to 164.
Editorial Universidad Católica, Concepción, Chile, 2010
Paperback. Artistic design.  25.3 x 22.7 cm.  318 pages.
ISBN 978-956-7943-42-5


A Life in Music
Ruth Nye and the Arrau Heritage
by Roma Randles

Grosvenor House Publishing Ltd. GHP, Surry, UK, 2012
Hardcover. 16.0 x 23.5 cm.  137 pages.
ISBN   978  1  78148  533  8


Piano Lessons with Claudio Arrau
A Guide to His Philosophy and Techniques
by Victoria A. von Arx

Oxford University Press, USA, 2014
Hardcover. 16.4 x 24.3 cm.  486 pages.
ISBN 978-0-19-992432-5


Claudio Arrau en 'Sueño de Amor'
Los amores de Liszt - Historia de una película.
Film directed by Jos
é Bohr. México. 1935.
Film restoration: Cineteca de la Universidad de Chile, 2018
DVD.  Booklet.  67 pages.
ISBN 978-956-393-886-9


Please see images of book covers at
Photo Gallery:  20. Books and Booklets.



Printed Articles

Berlin acclaims new Wunderkind on piano
Musical Courier
page 12.  New York. Issue of 20th January 1915
Article on page 12.  Photograph

Cover page photograph of Claudio Arrau

Musical America
, New York, Issue of 10th January 1942
44-page, 27.0 x 35.6 cm magazine.

Creative Technic for the Pianist

by Claudio Arrau
The Etude music magazine, Philadelphia, August 1942
Pages 511, 512, and 562.


Training for Artistry
by Claudio Arrau, secured for The Etude by Rose Heylbut
The Etude music magazine, Philadelphia, April 1948.
26.6 cm x 30.9 cm. Pages 209,260 & 276. One inner photograph.


Review of Schumann's Piano Concerto recording for H.M.V.
with Karl Kreuger

by Alec Robertson (?)
The Gramophone, Middlesex, March 1947. Page 149.
27.8 cm x 21.6 cm. 24 pages. Cover photograph.


Training for Artistry
by Claudio Arrau, secured for The Etude by Rose Heylbut
The Etude music magazine, Philadelphia, April 1948.
26.6 cm x 30.9 cm. Pages 209,260 & 276. One inner photograph.


Cover page photograph of Claudio Arrau
Musical America
, New York, Issue of March 1950
52-page, 25.5 x 33.5 cm magazine.

Claudio Arrau
Columbia Record Guide, Hayes, Middlesex, England, May 1951
Appraisal of Arrau's keyboard masterly command and release of
Chopin works on Columbia LX8792-3.
Monthly magazine. 18.4 cm x 24.6 cm.  On page 12 of 16.

Half-page article. One photograph.

Claudio Arrau
An impression by pianist and broadcaster Joseph Cooper
BBC's Radio Times weekly, London, 16 May, 1952

25.1 cm x 31.4 cm. Page 8. Half page article. Photograph.


Claudio Arrau, embajador de la música
Article by Cecil M. Smith
Américas, Washington, September, 1952
La Unión Panamericana,
Secretaría General de la Organización de los Estados Americanos
agazine.  27.2 cm x 20.8 cm.  Pages 9 to 11 and 28.  Eight photographs.


An approach to Beethoven
Article edited from an interview with Claudio Arrau by Rose Heylbut
Etude, the music magazine, Philadelphia, February, 1954
64-page monthly magazine.  24.3 cm x 30.5 cm.  Pages 9, 62 & 63.  One photograph.

Claudio Arrau
Photo and brief note by Philip Hope-Wallace
The Listener, London, 7th October, 1954
Autumn magazine, tabloid format.  31.3 cm x 25.1 cm. Page 589.

At four years old he taught himself to play Beethoven
Music and Musicians, London, June, 1956

Cover page photograph of Claudio Arrau.
Article and photographs on page 7

44-page monthly magazine. 21.6 cm x 27.8 cm.

'This Month's Personality' - Claudio Arrau
Music and Musicians, monthly, London, June1959
Photograph and biographical notes on editorial page.
40-page magazine.  21.6 cm x 28.0 cm.


Arrau's  'Emperor'
Record Times, London, August 1959
Monthly magazine, tabloid format.  Page 1 of 8.
Cover page article and photograph.

Claudio Arrau - Great Master of the Piano
The Gramophone, London, November 1959
Monthly magazine.  Pages 220 & 221. Photograph.
268 pp texts. Plus 108 pp adverts. Plus covers.
21.8 cm x 27.9 cm .


Cover page photograph of Claudio Arrau
Brief account of the artist's busy schedule around the world, on page 4.
Musical America
, New York, Issue of 1st January 1960
58-page, 25.4 x 31 cm magazine.

Beethoven, the mighty 32 and the Diabelli variations
by Claudio Arrau
A Conversation with Arrau
An interview of Arrau on Beethoven's significance, by Everett Helm
Philharmonic Hall Program 1962-1963, New York, 1962
Magazine format.
 Central Chapter, pages D and F, and pages L and M, respectively.

Bekenntnis im Studio:
Claudio Arrau beendete seinen Beethoven-Zyklus

by Ingo Harden
Interview on, and survey of Arrau's recordings of,
Beethoven 32 sonata cycle for Philips.

, Germany, issue of August 1967
Pages 452, 453, 454 & 456. Two photographs.

Claudio Arrau voor het voetlicht
Brief critique on Arrau's musicianship based on a recent recording of Schumann.
magazine, The Netherlands, 23 January, 1970
Pages 30 & 31. Three photographs.

The Fragile Genius of a Virtuoso
by Roger Kahn
LIFE magazine, Chicago/New York, August 25, 1972
Pages 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, and 56.

Keyboad Oracle
Claudio Arrau in conversation with Richard Osborne
Records and recodings monthly. London, October, 1972
Pages from 26 through to 29. Cover photograph. Seven inside photographs.


At ease with Claudio Arrau
Extensive interview by Dean Elder
Clavier magazine, Illinois, November, 1972
Pages from 10 through to 19.


Entrevista. Claudio Arrau.

Brief interview by Jesús García Pérez
Monsalvat magazine, Barcelona, 31 September, 1976
Three photographs.
Compilation book ´50 entrevistas con músicos importantes'.
Pages from 32 through to 35.


Claudio Arrau at 75 - A birthday tribute

by Richard Osborne
GRAMOPHONE magazine, Middlesex, England, February 1978
Pages 1385-1386. Photograph.

Claudio Arrau's caricature on cover page.
Plus: two recording ads and several recording reviews.

Claudio Arrau - Veteran Virtuoso & Scholar
by Paul Hertelendy
CONTEMPORARY KEYBOARD magazine, California, July 1978
Pages 16, 17, 18 & 40.


Les géants du piano: Claudio Arrau
par Jacques Drillon.

Le Monde de la Musique No. 12, France, Juin 1979
Pages 19 and 20.  Photographs.


Claudio Arrau

por Eugenio Gutiérrez
Revista COSAS, Santiago, Chile, 8 de mayo de 1980
Páginas 48 y 49.


Vorwort von Claudio Arrau
[Preface by Claudio Arrau]
Page 3.
Musiker im Gespräch - Svjatoslav Richter, von Jürgen Meyer-Josten
Henry Litolff's Verlag / C.F. Peters, EP8455, Framkfurt, 1981
24-page booklet.  20.9 cm x 14.7 cm.


Vorwort von Claudio Arrau
[Preface by Claudio Arrau]
Page 3.
Musiker im Gespräch - Alfred Brendel, von Jürgen Meyer-Josten
Henry Litolff's Verlag / C.F. Peters, EP8479, Framkfurt, 1982
24-page booklet.  21.0 cm x 14.6 cm.


Il pianista Claudio Arrau
Claudio Arrau ricorda i grandi pianisti
Claudio Arrau e il disco

by Marvin Allen Wolfthal, Peter Warwick, and Riccardo Risaliti, respectively
Quarterly magazine MUSICA, No.24 Year 6.  Milan, Italy, March 1982
Pages 32 through to 42.  Cover page photograph.  Six inside photographs.


Claudio Arrau
Interview by Robert J. Silverman
'Conversations with Arrau' by J. Horowitz
Book review by Joseph Bloch
The Piano Quarterly magazine, No.120, Year 31. Wilmington, Vermont, Winter 1982-83
Pages 30, 32 & 33. Two photographs.  Page 34.


Claudio Arrau gearing up for a busy 80th birthday year
by Herbert Kupferberg
OVATION magazine, Boston, January 1983
Cover page photo. Inside full-page photo. Two smaller photos.
Pages 12 to 15.

I, Claudio
by Stuart Isacoff
An Appreciation
by Garrick Ohlsson

Keyboard Classics magazine, N.Y., January/February 1983
Photo on cover. Three internal photos. Three fingering illustrations.
Pages 7 to 10.

Claudio Arrau at 80
by Richard Osborne
GRAMOPHONE magazine, London, February 1983
Pages 911 & 912.


Claudio Arrau sur le divan: Conseils de Sage
by Claudio Arrau/Joseph Horowitz
Translated into French by Christine Paly
Le Monde de la Musique magazine, France, February 1983
Pages 22, 23 & 24.


Claudio Arrau - Portrait of an artist at eighty

Interview and comments by Carol Montparker
Clavier magazine, Illinois, March, 1983
Pages from 18 through to 21.


Of Songs and Singers
by Robert Baxter
OPERA NEWS magazine, New York, 09 April 1983
Pages 14, 15, 61 & 62.


Claudio Arrau: 75 Years on the Concert Circuit
by Allan Kozinn
KEYBOARD magazine, California, July 1983
Pages 27 through to 31.


Tributo a Arrau
by Inés María Cardone
Buen Domingo, La Tercera, Santiago, 15 April 1984
Newspaper insert magazine. Pages 6 through to 9.

Cover page photograph and seven inside photographs.

'El emperador del piano',
'En la intimidad',
'Claudio es extraordinario'
By VEA, by Arturo Carvallo, and by Lucrecia Arrau, respectively

VEA women's weekly, Santiago, 17 May 1984
Pages 4 through to 9.
Cover page photograph and four internal photographs.

Arrau témoin de Beethoven - Arrau le beethovenien

by André Tubeuf
DIAPASON Harmonie No.327, France, May 1987
Cover page photo. Pages 42 through to 47. Text in French. Photographs.


Claudio Arrau: Le pianiste aux doigts d'or

par Robert Serrou
Le Match de Paris/Paris Match No. 1986, 19 June 1987
Pages 3, 4 & 5.


Arrau a Paris: Les doights dans la tete
par Paul Meunier
Télérama No. 1953, 20 to 26 June 1987. Paris.
Cover page photograph.
Pages 8 to 11. Interview. Photographs.


Arrau at 85
Colleagues And Friends Pay Tribute

GRAMOPHONE magazine, London, February 1988
Pages 1169 & 1170.


In His Eghth Decade: Claudio Arrau's Recordings,1982-1985.
by John D. Wiser

Fanfare, the magazine for serious record collectors.
New Jersey, January/February 1988
Pages 51 to 54.


Claudio Arrau: La carrière du Sphinx.
La ligne droite by Alain Lompech. 
Le piano selon Arrau by Cyril Huvé.
Le Monde de la Musique. France, June 1988
Pages 61 to 68.


Claudio Arrau - Reflections at 85
by Douglas Riva

Keyboard Classics, The magazine you can play, New Jersey, September/October 1988
Cover photo. Two internal photos.  Pages 4, 5 & 6.


Claudio Arrau, un creador pánico
Artículo de Pedro Elías

Scherzo, Revista de Música, Madrid, Noviembre 1988
Fotografía en cubierta.  Páginas 16 y 17.


Claudio Arrau, collector. The private passion of a public artist
Cover story by Frederick R. Selch
.  Photographs by Jan Paul Arrau.
OVATION, For the Classical Music Lifestyle, New York, April, 1989
Cover photo.  Various other photographs. Article on pages 20 to 25.


Claudio Arrau: la mémoire du siècle
par Jacques Bonnaure
répertoire magazine no. 28, Boulogne, Septembre, 1990
Cover photo. Pages 9 and 10.


Claudio Arrau, le dernier heritier

Editorial-like article acknowledging the death, career smd legacy
of a great romantic pianist,
by Xavier Lacavalerie.
Télérama weekly, No. 2162. Paris. 19 June 1991
Page 52. Half page. Photograph. In French.


Claudio Arrau: Adieu à l'éternel moderne
Heartfelt farewell by André Tubeuf
(Forming part of Adieux aux poètes, including Kempff and Serkin)
DIAPASON Harmonie No.373, France, 19 July-August 1991
Page 47. Text in French. Two archive fotographs.


Kempff et Arrau... le piano en deuil
Arrau, l' alchimie des contraires

par Odile Martin
COMPACT La revue du disque laser No.66, France, July-August 1991
Pages 8 to 10. Text in French. Cover page and internal fotograph.


Claudio Arrau, Wilhelm Kempff: Le crépuscule des dieux
Claudio Arrau: Le sphinx
Philips photographic in memoriam.

Articles by Alain Lompech, Dean Elder, Piero Rattalino, Gérard Belvire.
Le Monde de la Musique - Télérama  No. 146, France, July/August 1991
Pages 6 & 40 to 43 of 118. Text in French. Cover photograph. Three internal fotographs.


Kempff et Arrau:
Les deux versants de l'héritage romantique

par Jacques Bonnaure
répertoire magazine no. 38, boulogne, Juillet-Aout, 1991
Pages 6 and 13-14.


Remembering Claudio Arrau

Reprint of an interview and comments by Carol Montparker,
first published in Clavier of March 1983.

Clavier magazine, Illinois, September, 1991
Pages from 10 through to 15.


Claudio Arrau, Wilhelm Kempff: La fin d'une époque

par Remy Louis et André Tubeuf
DIAPASON Harmonie No.374, France, Septembre 1991
Arrau: Pages 50 through to 55. Text in French. Photographs.


Claudio Arrau: ... ma il suo pianoforte risuona ancora
Article by Graziella Casarin
ALTA FEDELTÁ nell'audio e nel video, Milan, Italy, October 1991
Pages 256 & 257. Text in Italian. Three archive fotographs.


Claudio Arrau, elogio de la pureza

Artículo de Mario Pasi
Amadeus, Barcelona, Madrid, España, Abril, 1993
Páginas 28, 29, 30, 31. Texto en Español.
Fotografía de portada. Tres fotografías internas.


Logos, Pathos, Ethos - di Piero Rattalino
Un interprete di fronte alla psicoanalisi -
di Claudio Arrau
Discografia di Claudio Arrau -
a cura di Franco Calenco
Dalla sonata al trittico: metamorfosi di un'idea -
di Fabrizio Papi

Symphonia-Tesori Musicali, monthly published by Ermitage.
No.44 Anno V, Bologna, Italy, November, 1994
36-page issue dedicated to Claudio Arrau.
 15 photographs.

Remembering Claudio Arrau
Reprint of an interview and comments by Carol Montparker,
first published in Clavier of March 1983.

Keys Piano Music Magazine, Illinois, May/June, 1995
Cover page photograph.  
Article on pages from 1 though to 5.
 Four internal photos.

Claudio Arrau
by photographer Erich Auerbach.
Images of Music, Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, Cologne, 1996 
Brief biographical notes in English/German/French and
four photographs of Claudio Arrau on pages 216 to 219.
[Book comprising 24 composers, 28 conductors, and 21 instrumentalists].


With Brahms at the Piano
A 'symposium' on Brahms, with past and present pianists.

PIANO, The magazine for the piano world.  London. Volume 8 No.3, May/June 2000
Brief excerpt from inteview and photograph of Claudio Arrau on page 29.


Claudio Arrau , Wilhelm Kempff, Rudolf Serkin:
les légendes immortelles

Article & selected discographies by Patrick Szersnovicz.

Le Monde de la Musique No. 254, France, May 2001
Article on pages 46 to 50.  Discographies on page 50.
Photos on pages 46 & 47.


A master's perspective
1976 Conversation of Peter Warwick with Claudio Arrau
Part 1 of 2
PIANO International, London-New Jersey, September-October 2001
Front cover photograph. Pages 34 to 37 and 39 to 41.
Part 2 of 2 -
PIANO International, London-New Jersey, November-December 2001
Pages 26, 27, and 29 to 33.


Retrato de un gigante: Arrau eterno
Artículo de Marcelo Simonetti

Revista El Sábado, El Mercurio, Santiago, 31 de enero de 2003
Foto en página frontal. Páginas 14 a 18. Diez fotografías.


Claudio Arrau le pioneer - La noblesse du piano
Portrait d'un géant.  Sa discographie complète.

Article by Patrick Szersnovicz.  Discographie by F.L. and P.S.

Le Monde de la Musique No. 273, France, February 2003
Article on pages 26 to 32.  Discography on pages 33 to 35.
Cover page photo.  Photos on pages 3, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 & 33.  
CD edition promotional photo on back cover.


Le feu invisible.
Article by Franck Mallet on Arrau's centenary.

Les Inrockuptibles No. 383, France, 2 April 2003
Pages 60 & 61.  Photo.


Please see images of magazine covers & articles
at Photo Gallery:  22. Printed Articles.


 End of 'A Bibliography - Books and Printed Articles' section


 This section last updated on 18th October 2022