Claudio Arrau
1903 - 1991

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 A Chronology

The Chronology is a record of events important
to the development of Maestro Arrau's artistic life.
It shows the hard work and achievements of his extraordinary career
and is a rich source of information regarding his musical legacy.

Entries provide factual details of Maestro Arrau's performances around the world, his recordings, publications by and about him, reviews, awards and
decorations, along with some relevant personal information.

This section is intended to be updated and expanded on an ongoing basis, as further information becomes available and corroborated.

It is conveniently, although arbitrarily, organized into the following 6 separate subsections:

Child Prodigy Period - To 1912
Development Period - 1913 to 1941
Middle Period - 1941 to 1962
Maturity Period - 1963 to 1983
Old Age Period - 1984 to 1991
Posthumous Period - From 1991

To enter, please click options on the submenu links above.

Hubl (violin) & Arrau (piano), 1930s
