
Photo Gallery 22: Printed Articles

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Cover page photograph
Musical America. 10 January 1942. New York.
Cover page photo and mention on page 4. §


Creative Technic for the Pianist
By Claudio Arrau (secured for 'The Etude' by Myles Fellowes)
The ETUDE. August 1942. Philadelphia, USA.
Pages 511, 512 and 562. §


Two for the Price of One
Brahms's two piano concertos in one program
at the Philadelphia Robin Hood Dell early in August 1946,
with Arrau and Mitropoulos.
TIME The Weekly Magazine. August 12, 1946. New York. Page 60. §


Claudio Arrau - Cover page photo, career details, and release of
HMV's 78rpm recording of Schumann's Concerto under Karl Kreuger.
The Gramophone. March 1947. Middlesex, England. Cover page. §


Schumann Piano Concerto, Claudio Arrau. DSO. Karl Kreuger.
By The Gramophone Company Limited.
Cover page photograph. HMV Record Review. March-April 1947.
Hayes, Middlesex. Pages 1 & 2. §


Training for Artistry
By Claudio Arrau (secured for 'The Etude' by Rose Heylbut)
The ETUDE. April 1948. Philadelphia, USA. Pages 209, 260 and 276. §


Letter from America - By Harold C. Schonberg.
Including a caricature of Arrau and mention of his recording for
Columbia of Chopin's Andante Spianato and Polonaise,
with Scherman and The Little Orchestra.
The Gramophone. February 1949. Middlesex, England. Page 142. §


Cover page photograph.
Musical America. March 1950. New York.
Cover page and mention on page 17. §


Cover page photograph.
Recital details on page 15 & brief biographical notes on page 29.
Musical Events. May 1951. London. §


Claudio Arrau: An impression
By Joseph Cooper, pianist and broadcaster
BBC's Radio Times weekly. 16th May 1952. London. Page 8. §


Claudio Arrau, embajador de la música
By Cecil M. Smith
Américas. September 1952. Washington DC. Pages 9 to 11. §


An approach to Beethoven
From an interview with Claudio Arrau
(secured for 'Etude' by Rose Heylbut).
The ETUDE. February 1954. Philadelphia, USA. Pages 9, 62 and 63. §


Photograph of Arrau and appreciation of his appearance
on British TV on 29th September.
By Philip Hope-Wallace.
The Listener. 7 October 1954. BBC London. Page 589. §


Cover page photograph.
Musical America. 15 February 1955. New York. Cover page. §


At four years old he taught himself to play Beethoven
By editor.
Music and Musicians. June 1956. London. Page 7. §


Arrau visits Prague and Tel-Aviv
By editor.
Record Times. August 1958. London. Page 4 (and 2). §


This month's personality - Claudio Arrau
By editor.
Music and Musicians. June 1959. London. Page 5. §


Claudio Arrau
By William Mann.
Record Times. June 1959. London. Page 3. §


Arrau's 'Emperor'
By editor.
Record Times. August 1959. London. Page 1 (and 7). §


Great Master of the Piano - Claudio Arrau
By C. B. Rees.
The Gramophone. November 1959. London. Pages 220 and 221. §


Cover page photograph
Musical America. 1 January 1960. New York. Page 4. §


Bekenntnis im Studio -
Claudio Arrau beendete seinen Beethoven-Zyklus

By Ingo Harden.  Interview by Jürgen Meyer-Josten.
Fonoforum. August 1967. Germany. Pages 452 to 456. §


Claudio Arrau voor het voetlicht  (Claudio Arrau on the spotlight)
By editor
LACH. 1 January 1970. Amsterdam. Pages 30 and 31. §


Brahms by Arrau: two of his finest recorded performances.
By Mark N .Kanny.
THE AMERICAN RECORD GUIDE. Cover page photograph.
Summer (June) 1971. New York. Pages 714. §


Claudio Arrau talks to Alan Blyth
GRAMOPHONE. February 1972. London. Page 1355. §


The Fragile Genius of a Virtuoso
By Roger Kahn.
LIFE. 25 August 1972. New York. Pages 49 to 56. §


Keyboard Oracle
Claudio Arrau in conversation with Richard Osborne.
Records and Recordings. October 1972. England. Pages 26 to 29. §


At ease with Claudio Arrau
Interview by Dean Elder.
Clavier. November 1972. Illinois, USA. Pages 10 to 19. §


Entrevista - Claudio Arrau
Brief interview by Jesús García Pérez.
MONSALVAT magazine. 31st September 1976. Pages 32-35.
50 Entrevistas con Músicos Importantes. 238 pages.
Ediciones de Nuevo Arte Thor.  1980.
ISBN 84-7327-41-X.  Barcelona. §


Claudio Arrau at 75
A birthday tribute by Richard Osborne.
GRAMOPHONE. Feburary 1978.
Middlesex, UK. Pages 1385 and 1386. §


Claudio Arrau: Veteran Virtuoso & Scholar
By Paul Hertelendy.
Keyboard. July 1978. California. Pages 16, 17, 18 and 40. §


Les géants du piano.  Claudio Arrau.
Interviewed by Jacques Drillon.
Le Monde de la Musique 12. June 1979. Paris. Pages 19 and 20. §


Claudio Arrau habla de música y de Chile
By Eugenio Gutiérrez (from Washington).
COSAS. 8 May 1980. Santiago, Chile. Pages 48 and 49. §


Venerable Virtuoso, by Robert Baxter.
Fugue. June 1980. Ontario, Canada. Pages 36 through to 39. §


Il pianista Claudio Arrau, by Marvin Allen Wolfthal.
Claudio Arrau ricorda i grandi pianisti,
interview with Peter Warwick.
Claudio Arrau e il disco,
by Riccardi Risaliti.
MUSICA. March 1982 Quarterly. Milan, Italy. Pages 32 through to 42. §


Claudio Arrau - An interview by Robert J. Silverman.
Conversations with Arrau by Joseph Horowitz - Book review by Joseph Bloch.
The Piano Quarterly, Winter 1982-83. Vermont, USA. Pages 30 & 32 to 34. §


Claudio Arrau: Gearing up for a busy 80th birthday year
By Herbert Kupferberg.
Ovation. January 1983. New York. Pages 12 through to 15. §


I, Claudio   &   An Appreciation
By Stuart Isacoff  &  Garrick Ohlsson, respectively.
Keyboard Classics. January/February 1983.
New York. Pages 7 through to 10. §


Cover page photo and book review.
A somewhat dismissive review by John D. Wiser of the award winning
book 'Conversations with Claudio Arrau'  by Joseph Horowitz.
Fanfare. January-February 1983. New Jersey, US.
Cover page and pages 374-375. §


Claudio Arrau at 80
A retrospective and review by Richard Osborne.
GRAMOPHONE. February 1983. Middlesex, UK. Pages 911 and 912. §


Claudio Arrau sur le divan: Conseils de sage
A section from J. Horowitz's 'Conversations with Arrau',
translated into French by Christine Paly.
Le Monde de la Musique. February 1983.  France. 
Pages 22, 23 & 24. §


Absicht und Vergegenwärtigung / Intent and mindfulness
Porträit und Discographie Zum 80.
Geburtstag von Claudio Aarrau, von Martin Meyer.
Fono Forum. 2 February 1983. Germany.
Pages 4 & 17, 20 to 23, and 26 to 29. §


Claudio Arrau: Postrait of an artist at eighty
By Carol Montparker
Clavier. March 1983. Illinois, USA. Pages 18 through to 21. §


Of Songs and Singers
Arrau's reflexions on the voice, by Robert Baxter.
OPERA NEWS. 9 April 1983. New York. Pages 14, 15, 61 and 62. §


Claudio Arrau - 75 years on the concert circuit
By Allan  Kozinn.
Keyboard. July 1983. California. Pages 27 to 31. §


Arrau, dalla pianola al laser
By Franca Piperno.
Alta Fedeltá. September 1983. Milan. Pages 146 through tto 149. §


Arrau: El retorno sentimental.
By Sonia Quintana.
Mundo. Diners Club. May 1984. Santiago, Chile.
Cover page & pages 72 through to 75. §


La TV británica rinde tributo a Arrau.
Documental sobre Arrau llega a Chile
By Inés María Cardone (from New York) on
Melvin Bragg's documentary.
Buen Domingo. 15 April 1984. Santiago, Chile.
Pages 6 through to 9 . §


Claudio Arrau, el Maestro
Premios Nacionales y autoridades musicales opinan sobre el Maestro.
Revista Verónica. 5 May 1984. Santiago, Chile.
Pages 12, 13 and 22. §


Claudio Arrau -
El emperador del piano
.   En la intimidad.   Las emociones.

'Claudio es extraordinario como músico, hombre y hermano',
opina Lucrecia Arrau.
VEA. 17 to 23 May, 1984. Santiago, Chile. Pages 4 through to 9. §


Arrau témoin de Beethoven: Arrau le Bethovenien.
Par André Tubeuf.
Diapason-Harmonie No.327. Mai 1987. Paris.
Pages 42 through to 47. §


Claudio Arrau: Le pianiste aux doigts d'or
By Robert Serrou.
Paris Match. 19 June 1987. Paris. Pages 3 through to 5. §


A quatre-vingt-quatre ans Claudio Arrau reste un enfant prodige
By Isabelle Garnier.
LE FIGARO Magazine. 20 June 1987.
Paris/Texas. Pages 24 and 25. §


Arrau a Paris: Les doigts dans la tete
By Paul Meunier (from Tokyo).
Télérama. 20 to 26 June 1987. Paris. Pages 8 through to 11. §


In his Eighth Decade: Claudio Arrau's Recordings 1982-1985
An overall review by John D. Wiser.
Fanfare. January-February 1988. New Jersey, US.
Cover page and pages 51 through to 54. §


Zerbrechlich - ungebrochen:
FonoForum. 2 February 1988. München, Germany.
Cover page and pages 20 through to 23. §


Arrau at Eighty Five
Colleagues and friends pay tribute.
GRAMOPHONE. February 1988. Middlesex, UK.
Pages 1169 and 1170. §


Claudio Arrau: La Carrière du Sphinx
La ligne droite,
by Alain Lompech.
Le piano selon Arrau,
by Cyril Huvé.
Le Monde de la Musique. June 1988.  France.
Pages 61 through to 68. §


Claudio Arrau - Reflections at 85
By Douglas Riva
Keyboard Classics. September/October 1988. New York.
Pages 4 through to 6. §


Claudio Arrau, un creador pánico
By Arturo Reverter and Pedro Elías.
Scherzo. November 1988. Madrid. Pages 16 and 17. §


Claudio Arrau collector: The private passion of a public artist
Cover story, by Frederick R. Selch
Ovation. April 1989. New York. Pages 20 through to 25. §


Claudio Arrau: la memoire du siècle
par Jacques Bonnaure.
Répertoire. Septembre 1990. Boulogne, France. Pages 9 et 10. §


Claudio Arrau, une leçon de musique.
By Cyril Huvé & Pierre Maréchaux.
Piano. La lettre du musicien. 1990-1991.
Out of Series No.4. Paris.  Pages 5 through to 8. §


Claudio Arrau, le dernier heritier
By Xavier Lacavalerie.
Télérama. 22 to 28 June 1991. Paris. Page 52. §


Claudio Arrau, Wilhelm Kempff : Le crépuscule des dieux.
By Alain Lompech.
Claudio Arrau: le sphinx. By Gérard Belvire.
Claudio Arrau: An apreciation by Piero Rattalino,
and a selected discography.
Plus similar articles on Wilhelm Kempff.
Le Monde de la Musique. July-August 1991. Paris.
Pages 6 and 40 through to 48. §


Claudio Arrau: Adieu à l' éternel moderne
By Andre Tubeuf.
DIAPASON-Harmonie. July-August 1991. Paris. Page 47. §


Kempff et Arrau... le piano en deuil
Arrau, l'alchimie des contraires

par Odile Martin.
COMPACT - La revue du disque laser.   July-August 1991. Paris.
Pages 8 through to 10. §


Homage: Kempff et Arrau, les deux versants de l'héritage romantique
par Jacques Bonnaure.
Répertoire - des disques compacts. July-August 1991. Boulogne.
Pages 6 and 13-14. §


Remembering Claudio Arrau 1903-1991
By Carol Montparker.
Clavier. September 1991. Illinois, USA. Pages 10 through to 15. §


La fin d'une epoque.  Arrau heritier: Beethoven ou Liszt?
Par André Tubeuf.
Diapason Harmonie. September 1991. Paris.
Pages 50 through to 55. §


Claudio Arrau: Ma il suo pianoforte risuona ancora
By Graziella Casarin.
Alta Fedeltá. October 1992. Milan, Italy. Pages 16, 256 and 257. §


Con Arrau allá arriba, en las más altas esferas del ser
By Mario Pasi.
Amadeus. April 1993. Barcelona. Pages 28 through to 31. §


Claudio Arrau, la última entrevista
By Jürgen Kesting
CD COMPACT. May 1993. Barcelona, Spain. Pages 22 and 23. §


Logos, Pathos, Ethos,
by Piero Rattalino
Un interprete di fronte alla psicoanalisi,
by Claudio Arrau/Alberto Spano
Discografia di Claudio Arrau,

by Franco Calenco
Dalla sonata al trittico: metamorfosi de un'idea,

by Fabrizio Papi
SYMPHONIA Tesori Musicali. November 1994. Bologna, Italy.
36-page issue, fully dedicated to Claudio Arrau. §


Remembering Claudio Arrau 1903-1991
By Carol Montparker
Keys. May-June 1995. Illinois, USA. Pages 1 through to 5. §


With Brahms at the Piano
Opinions on Brahms collected from several pianists
by Jeremy Siepmann.
Piano. May-June 2000. Surrey, England.  Arrau: Pages 23 and 29. §


Arrau - Kempff - Serkin: Les légendes ne meurent pas
By Patrick Szersnovicz
Le Monde de la Musique. May 2001. Paris. Pages 46 through to 50. §


A master's perspective
(Claudio Arrau in conversation - Part 1 of 2).
By Peter Warwick.
PIANO. September/October 2001. London. Pages 34 through to 41. §


A master's perspective
(Claudio Arrau in conversation - Part 2 of 2).
By Peter Warwick.
PIANO. November-December 2001. London. Pages 26 through to 33. §


Los tesoros de Arrau
By Inés María Cardone.
Mujer a Mujer (La Tercera). 19 October 2002. [Santiago, Chile].
Pages 6 through to 8. §


Claudio Arrau: La noblesse du piano
et Discographie complète.
By Patrick Szersnovicz.
Le Monde de la Musique. February 2003. Paris.
Pages 26 through to 35. §


Le feu invisible
By Franck Mallet.
Les Inrockuptibles. 2 to 8 April 2003. Paris. Pages 60 and 61. §

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This section last updated on 15th February 2024.