
Photo Gallery 24:
Concert & Recital Programmes

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Claudio Arrau:  Royal Festival Hall,  London.
20th October 1960.  Photo Allegro.


1922, 14th November.  Mittleren Konzerthaus-Saale.
Konzertbüro der Wiener Konzerthausgesellschaft. Austria.
Klavierabend.  Claudio Arrau.
Beethoven.  Schubert.  Chopin.

1922, 18th November.  Wiener Konzerthaus-Gesellschaft.
Schubert-Fest:  Piano Trio B-dur.
Claudio Arrau and members of the Mairecker-Buxbaum Quartett.
Two-folded, double-sided sheet.   14.3 cm x 20.7 cm

1925, 3rd April.  Blätter der Philharmonie.  Konzert-Zeirung.  Berlin.
Klavierabend.  Claudio Arrau.
Mozart, Chopin.Bartok, Wiener, Strawinsky.

12-page brochure.   19.1 cm x 25.4 cm

1926, 3rd November.  Maison Gaveau, Salle des Concerts. Paris.
Chopin: Concerto en fa mineur op.21.

Orchestre Philharmonique de Paris.
Claudio ArrauHans Weisbach.
16-page brochure.   15.9 cm x 24.2 cm

1929, 8th January.  Fürer durch die Konzertsäle Berlins.  Beethovensaal.
Klavier-Abend.  Claudio Arrau.  Chopin. Schumann. Liszt.
Three-folded, two-sided sheet.   16.1 cm x 23.2 cm

1928, 14th November. Internationales Impresariat. Berlin.
10.  Konzerte mit dem Philharmonischen Orchester.
Chopin: Konzert Nr.2 f-moll
Conductor: Issai Dobrowen.   Soloist: Claudio Arrau
Programme announced in the Franz Mikorey and Henri Marteau
programme brochure for 24 October in the Philharmonie.
Ten-page programme.  15.3 cm x 23.3 cm. §.

1930, March. Der Klaviervirtuose von Weltruf.
Odeon-Electric Musikplatten. Berlin.
Claudio Arrau
.  Odeon O-6743. 78rpm record.
Liszt's Die Wasserspiele in der Villa d'Este.
Eight-page catalogue.  14.2 cm x 21.5 cm. §.
1930, 9th January.  Conventgarten, großer Saal. Hamburg.
  2. Klavierabend.  Claudio Arrau's Recital:
Beethoven.  Brahms.  Chopin.  Debussy.  Balakirev.
One-sided sheet.   17.0 cm x 25.9 cm

1935, 10th August.  Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Extraordinary Event.  Claudio Arrau's Recital:
Bach.  Beethoven.  Brahms.  Albéniz.  Falla.  Debussy.
Eight-page brochure.   15.9 cm x 23.1 cm

1935, 26th August.  Asociación Wagneriana de Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:
Bach.  Beethoven.  Schumann.  Chopin.  Debussy.  Stravinsky.
Two-folded two-sided sheet.   13.2 cm x 18.0 cm

1937, 26th May.  Círculo de Cultura Musical.  Teatro Politeama.  Lisbon.
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:
Bach.  Beethoven.  Moussorgsky.  Granados.  Ravel.  Debussy.
Two-folded two-sided sheet.   15.5 cm x 21.1 cm

1938, 22nd & 29th April.  Wigmore Hall. London. UK.
Piano recitals by Claudio Arrau:
22nd April:
Bach.  Brahms.  Schumann.  Stravinsky.
29th April:
Mozart. Beethoven. Moussorgsky. Granados. Ravel. Debussy.
Two-folded two-sided sheet.   17.7 cm x 22.8 cm

1938, 15th August.  Salzburger Festspiele 1938. Austria.
César Franck:  Symphonische Variationen für Pianoforte und Orchester.
Die Weiner Philharmoniker.  Claudio Arrau.  Vittorio Gui.
Eight-page brochure.  14.8 cm x 22.5 cm §.

 1938, 16th & 21st NovÆolian Hall. London. UK.
Piano recitals by Claudio Arrau:
16th November:   Mozart.  Beethoven.  Liszt.  Debussy.
21st November:   Bach.  Beethoven.  Weber.  Ravel.  Liszt.
Two-folded two-sided sheet.  17.7 cm x 22.9 cm. §.

 1938, 27th Nov to 4th Dec.
International Celebrity Subscription Concerts.
Richard Tauber's tour, accompanied by Percy Kahn.
Claudio Arrau, solo pianist.  Arrau's solo parts on
27, 28 & 29 November, and 1, 3 & 4 December, 1938,
consisted of works by Schumann, Ravel & Debussy.
24-page booklet.  20.8 cm x 16.8 cm. §.
1938, 27th November.
International Celebrity Subscription Concerts'.
Season 1938-1939.  Paramount Theatre. Liverpool.  England.

Shared recital: 
Claudio Arrau, solo pianist.  Richard Tauber, tenor, accompanied.
One-sided flyer.  12.0 cm x 33.1 cm §.

1938, 4th December.
International Celebrity Subscription Concerts'.
Season 1938-1939.  Paramount Theatre.  Manchester.  England.

Shared recital:
Claudio Arrau, solo pianist.  Richard Tauber, tenor, accompanied.
One-sided flyer.  12.1 cm x 33.3 cm §.
1939, 5th March. 'Beecham Sunday Concerts'.
Royal Opera Covent Garden. London.

Beethoven's Pianoforte Concerto No.5 in E flat major The Emperor.
Lonson Philharmonic Orchestra. 
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Thomas Beecham.
Two-sided flyer.  15.1 cm x 22.7 cm §.

1939, 5th March. 'Beecham Sunday Concerts'.
Royal Opera Covent Garden. London.

Beethoven's Pianoforte Concerto No.5 in E flat major The Emperor.
Lonson Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Thomas Beecham.
Aeilian Hall piano recital programme by Claudio Arrau for 5th April.
30-page booklet
.  16.7 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1939, 5th April.  Æolian Hall. London. UK.
Re-appearance of Claudio Arrau.
Piano recital:  Mozart.  Beethoven.  Weber.  Schumann.  Liszt.
Two-sided two-folded sheet.  17.7 cm x 22.0 cm §.

1939, 20th June. 'Conciertos Daniel'.  Teatro Odeón.
Buenos A
ires. Argentina.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau.
JS Bach. Beethoven. Brahms. Ravel. Debussy.
One-sided sheet.  15.0 cm x 31.6 cm §.


1939, 20th June. 'Conciertos Daniel'.  Teatro Odeón.
Buenos A
ires. Argentina.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau.
JS Bach. Beethoven. Brahms. Ravel. Debussy.
Two-sided two-folded sheet.  11.1 cm x 17.6 cm §.

1939, 27th June.  Teatro Odeón. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
 Claudio Arrau's recital: 
Bach. Beethoven. Mussorgsky. Liszt. Debussy.
One-sided sheet.  14.8 cm x 30.6 cm §.

1940, 21st September.  Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
 Claudio Arrau's recital: 
Bach. Beethoven. Chopin. Ravel. Granados. Liszt.
Two-sided, two-folded sheet.  16.2 cm x 23.6 cm §.

1940, 12th October.
Servicio Oficial de Difusión Radiofónica y Espectáculos.
Estudio Audotorio.   Montevideo.  Uruguay.

Beethoven: Concierto No.3 Op.37 en Do menor para piano y orquesta.
Beethoven: Concierto No.4 Op.58 en Sol Mayor para piano y orquesta.
Orquesta Sinfónica del SODRE.  Claudio Arrau.  Lamberto Baldi.
Two-folded, two-sided sheet.  14.9 cm x 28.1 cm §.


1941, 23rd March.
Acht Zondagmiddagconcerten.  Seizoen 1940-1941.
Concertgebouw.  Amsterdam.  Nederland .

Brahms:  Tweede Pianoconcert.
Concertgebouw Orchester.  Claudio Arrau.  Eduard van Beinum.
Two-folded, two-sided sheet.   13.1 cm x 21.6 cm §.
[Note: Having cancelled all future performances in Germany from Lima, Peru, in December 1940, and given his numerous engagements in South America at the time, Arrau's actual appearance in Amsterdam at this scheduled event is unfeasible and highly unlikely]
1941, 20th April.  Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
1st Extraordinary Event.  Claudio Arrau's recital:
Beethoven.  Brahms.  Schumann.  Debussy.  Liszt.
Eight-page brochure.   15.7 cm x 23.3 cm

1941, 23rd April.  Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Schumann's Piano Concerto.
Teatro Colón Standing Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Fritz Busch.
orchestral works by Weber, Schubert, Wagner, Mendelssohn & Berlioz.
Eight-page brochure.   15.6 cm x 23.3 cm

1941, 30th April.  Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
4th Extraordinary Event.  Claudio Arrau's Romantic Recital:
Weber.  Schumann.  Mendelsshon.  Chopin.
Eight-page brochure.   15.8 cm x 23.0 cm

1941, 4th May.  Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
6th Extraordinary Event.  Claudio Arrau's Farewell Recital:
Haydn.  Brahms.  Schumann.  Chopin.  Debussy.  Poulenc.
Eight-page brochure.   15.7 cm x 23.2 cm

1941, 5th May.  Teatro Cervantes.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Asociación Wagneriana de Buenos Aires

Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:
Bach.  Beethoven.  Liszt.  Granados.  Albéniz.  Debussy.
Two-sided, two-folded sheet.   16.1 cm x 23.2 cm

1941, 11th May.  Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
8th Extraordinary Event.  Claudio Arrau's Farewell Recital:
Mozart.  Beethoven.  Mussorgsky.  Chopin.  Debussy.  Liszt.
Eight-page brochure.   15.7 cm x 23.2 cm
1941: May/July Season.  Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Pianist:  Claudio Arrau.
64-page, season prospectus.  17.0 cm x 24.0 cm §.

1942, 26th & 27th January.  Symphony Hall.  Boston.  USA.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major Op.58.
Boston Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Richard Burgin.
36-page booklet.  14.4 cm x 22.1 cm §.

1942, 12th April.  Temporada 1942. Teatro Colón.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

C. Franck: Variaciones sinfónicas para piano y orquesta.
F. Liszt: Concierto en La mayor para piano y orquesta.
Orquesta Estable del Teatro Colón.   Claudio Arrau.  Alberto Wolff.
10-page brochure.  16.1 cm x 23.1 cm §.


1942, 19th April - 15th May.
Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.  1942 Season.
Six recitals by Claudio Arrau:  Las 32 Sonatas de Beethoven.
Two-sided, three-folded sheet.   16.4 cm x 21.7 cm

1942, 19th April.  Teatro Colón.   Temporada 1942.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.

Claudio Arrau:
First Beethoven Sonata Recital.  Piano Sonatas Nos. 1, 2, 3, 25 & 26.
Eight-page brochure.   16.1 cm x 23.2 cm

1942,  22nd April.  Teatro Solís.   Montevideo.  Uruguay.
Beethoven: Complete Piano Sonata Cycle.

Claudio Arrau: First Recital:  Sonatas Nos. 1, 2, 3, 25 & 26.   
One-sided sheet. 
49.7 cm x 14.1 cm §.

1942, 25th April.   Teatro Colón.  Temporada 1942.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Beethoven: Concierto No.5 en Mi bemol Op.73 para piano y orquesta.
Orquesta Estable del Teatro Colón.
Claudio Arrau.  Juan José Castro.
10-page brochure.  16.1 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1942, 26th April.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada 1942.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.

Claudio Arrau: Second Beethoven Sonata Recital.
Piano Sonatas Nos. 5, 6, 7, 24, 22 & 23.
Eight-page brochure.   16.0 cm x 23.1 cm

1942,  29 April.  Teatro Solís.   Montevideo.  Uruguay.
Beethoven: Complete Piano Sonata Cycle.

Claudio Arrau: Second Recital:  Sonatas Nos. 5, 6, 7, 24, 22 & 23.   
One-sided sheet.  52.7 cm x 16.0 cm

1942, 2nd May.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada 1942.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.

Claudio Arrau: Third Beethoven Sonata Recital.
Piano Sonatas Nos. 4, 9, 10, 15, 13 & 14.
Eight-page brochure.   16.0 cm x 23.3 cm

1942, 6th May.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada 1942.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.

Claudio Arrau: Fourth Beethoven Sonata Recital.
Piano Sonatas Nos. 19, 20 16, 17, 18 & 21.
Eight-page brochure.   16.1 cm x 23.1 cm

1942, 8th May.  Teatro Solís.  Montevideo.  Uruguay.
Beethoven: Complete Piano Sonata Cycle.
Claudio Arrau: Third Recital:  Sonatas Nos. 4, 9, 10, 15, 13 & 14.
One-sided sheet.   52.7 cm x 16.9 cm
1942, 10th May.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada 1942. 
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.

Claudio Arrau: Fifth Beethoven Sonata Recital.
Piano Sonatas Nos. 8, 11 & 29.
Eight-page brochure.   16.0 cm x 23.1 cm

1942,  15th May.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada 1942.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.

Claudio Arrau: Sixth Beethoven Sonata Recital.
Piano Sonatas Nos. 12, 27, 28, 30, 31 & 32.
Eight-page brochure.   16.0 cm x 23.1 cm

1942,  1st June.   Teatro Nacional Cervantes.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.

Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart, Schumann [deleted], Liszt, Debussy, Bartók.
Two-sided two-folded sheet.  15.4 cm x 20.5 cm

1942,  8th June.   Teatro Solís.   Montevideo.  Uruguay.
Farewell Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart, Schumann, Liszt, Debussy, Bartók.
One-sided sheet.  47.5 cm x 15.8 cm

1942, 30th August.  Sociedad Musical Daniel.  Teatro Nacional.
Lima.  Peru.

Second and last performance by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart.  Beethoven.  Liszt.  Chopin.  Ravel.  Debussy.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-sided, two-folded sheet.  14.1 cm x 20.8 cm

1942, 25th October.  Y.M. & W.H.A. Musical Society
Morris Kauffmann Memorial Auditorium.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven. Brahms. Schumann. Liszt. Bartók. Debussy. Poulenc.
12-page booklet.  15.5 cm x 23.5 cm §.

1942, 6th December.  The Civic Music Association,
New York/Chicago.
Amarillo High School Auditorium, Texas.
  Recital By Claudio Arrau.
Haydn. Brahms. Chopin. Liszt. Granados. Ravel. Debussy.
Two-sided, folded sheet.  14.0 cm x 20.2 cm §.

1943, 3rd January.  The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of N.Y.
Carnegie Hall
.  Broadcast Coast-to-Coast over the CBS Network.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major Op.58.
New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.   Dimitri Mitropoulos.
8-page brochure.  15.4 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1943, 29th January.  Cyrus Northrop Memorial Auditorium.
University of Minnesota.
  Minneapolis.  USA.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major Op.58.
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.   Dimitri Mitropoulos.
24-page booklet.  15.2 cm x 22.0 cm §.

1943, 18th February.  Mansfiel Civic Music Association. Ohio. USA.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau for members only.
[See programme below]
Two-sided sheet.  15.5 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1943, 18th February.  The Civic Music Association.   USA.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Haydn.   Brahms.   Chopin.  Liszt.  Granados.  Ravel.  Debussy.
Two-sided, two-folded sheet.  14.0 cm x 20.3 cm §.

1943, 12th, 13th & 22nd March.  Philadelphia Academy of Music,
Mynnesota.  USA.

Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
The Philadelphia Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau. Eugene Ormandy.
20-page brochure.  15.5 cm x 23.1 cm §.

1943, 27th July.  Hollywood Bowl.   Los Angeles.  USA.
I.  Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
Philharmonic Orchestra of Los Angeles.
Claudio Arrau.   Vladimir Bakaleinikoff.
II.  Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Villa-Lobos  &  J.J. Castro.
60-page weekly magazine.  16.2 cm x 24.4 cm §.

1943, 5th September.  Carnegie Hall.  New York.
Liszt's Piano Concerto No.2 in A major.
Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra of New York.
Claudio Arrau. Dimitri Mitropoulos.
Two-folded, two-sided sheet.  15.3 cm x 22.9 cm §.


1943, 4th November.  Vassar College Chapel. Dutchess County. N.Y.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart.  Beethoven.  Chopin.  Liszt.  Debussy.  
J.Lecuna.  J.J.Castro.  D. SantaCruz.  Granados.
One-sided flyer.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1943, 9th November.  Kleinhans Music Hall.   Buffalo.  New York.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart.  Beethoven. Chopin.  Liszt.  Debussy.  Albéniz.  Granados.
24-page booklet.  14.2 cm x 21.8 cm §.

1944, 30th March - 9th April.  Devonport, Iowa, USA.
Concert Performances by Claudio Arrau
with the
Tri-City Symphony Orchestra.
Two-sided flyer.  15.3 cm x 21.83.0 cm §.

1944, 18th May.  Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
First Subscription Recital by Pianist Claudio Arrau:
Mozart.  Beethoven.  Chopin.  Liszt.  Debussy.  Ravel.  Granados.
Two-sided flyer.  16.4 cm x 31.0 cm §.

1944, 18th May.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada Oficial 1944.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

First of Six Recitals by Pianist Claudio Arrau:
Mozart.  Beethoven.  Chopin.  Liszt.  Debussy.  Ravel.  Granados.
12-page brochure.  16.1 cm x 23.2 cm §.

1944, 21st May.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada Oficial 1944.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Second of Six Recitals by Pianist Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven.  Schumann.  Chopin.  Ravel.  Debussy.  Balakirev.
14-page brochure.  16.1 cm x 23.2 cm §.

1944, 26th May.  'Teatro 18 de Julio', 1944 Season.
Montevideo, Uruguay.
First Grand Recital by Pianist Claudio Arrau.
Mozart. Beethoven. Chopin. Liszt. Debussy. Ravel. Granados.
One-sided sheet.  42.0 cm x 15.8 cm §.
1944, 27th May.Teatro Colón.   Temporada Oficial 1944.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Third of Six Recitals by Pianist Claudio Arrau:
Bach.  Mozart.  Schumann.  Albéniz.  Chopin.
12-page brochure.  16.1 cm x 23.2 cm §.

1944, 3rd June.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada Oficial 1944.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Fifth of Six Subscription Recitals by Pianist Claudio Arrau:
Bach.  Beethoven.  Schumann.  Liszt.  Chopin.  Poulenc.
14-page brochure.  16.1 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1944, 8th June.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada Oficial 1944.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Sixth and Last Recital by Pianist Claudio Arrau:
Mozart.  Weber.  Chopin.  Schubert.  Liszt.
14-page brochure.  15.9 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1944, 10th June.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada Oficial 1944.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Extraordinary Recital by Pianist Claudio Arrau:
Haydn.  Beethoven.  Chopin.  Albéniz.  Liszt.  Debussy.
14-page brochure.  16.1 cm x 23.4 cm §.

1944, 17th June.  Teatro Colón.  Temporada Oficial 1944.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Farewell Recital by Pianist Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Mussorgsky. Debussy.
Albéniz. Tschaikowsky. Liszt. Chopin.
14-page brochure.  15.8 cm x 23.4 cm §.

1944, 3rd July.  Asociación Wagneriana de Buenos Aires.
Teatro Presidente Alvear. 
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Recital Extraordinario de Piano por Claudio Arrau.

Beethoven.  Schumann.  Debussy.
Domingo Santa Cruz.  Villalobos.  Chopin.
Two-sided, two-folded sheet.  15.6 cm x 22.4 cm §.

1944, 31st July.   Asociación Filarmónica de Buenos Aires.
IV Ciclo de Conciertos.  First Subscription Concert.
Teatro Politeama. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Brahms:  Concierto No.2 en Si bemol para piano y orquesta.

Orquesta de la Asociación Filarmónica de Buenos Aires.
Conductor: Juan José Castro.  Soloist: Claudio Arrau.
Plus orchestral works by Bach, Ginastera & Ravel.
12-page brochure.  15.8 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1944, July.   Sociedad Musical Daniel.
Temporada Oficial de Conciertos.  Teatro Municipal.  Santiago.  Chile.
Seven Piano Recitals by Claudio Arrau.

Mozart. Beethoven. Chopin. Liszt. Debussy. Ravel. Granados.
Schumann. Balakirev. Bach. Brahms. Bartók. Albéniz. Juan Lecuona.
Juan José Casto. Poulenc. Weber. Schubert. Haydn.
Two-sided, three-folded sheet.  16.3 cm x 22.6 cm §.

1944, 30th October. 'William and Mary Concert Series'.
Blair Junior High Auditorium.  Norfolk.  Virginia.  USA.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Haydn. Brahms. Chopin. Liszt. Granados. Ravel. Debussy.

>  Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
20-page booklet.  15.7 cm x 24.0 cm §.

1945, 14th June. Temporada Oficial 1945. Teatro Municipal.
Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Bach.  Beethoven.  Schumann.  Villa Lobos.  Debussy.  Ravel.

Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
12-page brochure.  16.6 cm x 23.3 cm §.

1945, 20th July.  Musical Association of San Francisco.  USA.
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor.
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Bruno Walter.
20-page brochure.  15.4 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1945: 21st, 25th & 28th September and 5th October. 
Festival Beethoven.  Palacio de Bellas Artes.  Ciudad de México.
Beethoven:  Los Cinco Conciertos para Piano y la Fantasía Coral.
Orquesta Sinfónica de México.
Claudio Arrau.  Jascha Horenstein.
24-page, large booklet.  23.4 cm x 33.0 cm §.

1945, 11th November.
The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of New York.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.1 in C major Op.15.
The Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra of New York.
Claudio Arrau.  George Szell.
16-page brochure.  19.7 cm x 26.1 cm §.

1946, 29th January.  Philharmonic Auditorium.
Los Angeles. California.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau
Bach.  Beethoven.  Schumann.  Ravel.  Debussy.  Granados.  Poulenc.
56-page season's magazine.  16.5 cm x 24.9 cm §.

1946, 8th February.  Carnegie Hall.  New York.
Recital of Chamber Music with
Claudio Arrau, Joseph Szigeti & Igor Stravinsky
Arrau & Szigeti:
Beethoven's Sonatas Op.96 No.10 & Op.47 No.9 (Kreutzer).
Stravinsky's Serenade in A.
Plus Szigeti & Stravinsky:
Stravinsky's Duo concertante.
> Item signed by Claudio Arrau <
16-page brochure.  19.4 cm x 26.2 cm §.

1946, 12th March. 'Zorah Berry Concert Series'.
Kleinhans Music Hall. Buffalo. N. Y.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:
Bach & Schumann.
Work for Piano and Violin with C. Arrau & J. Szigeti:
Prokofieff's Sonata Op.94

24-page booklet.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1946, 15th March.  The Great Masters' Festival Concerts.
Academy of Music. Philadelphia.
1945/46 Classic Cycle.   Third Concert.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.4 in G.
The Dash Classic Symphony.  Claudio ArrauJames Allan Dash.
Plus Mozart's Requiem.
16-page brochure.  15.7 cm x 23.6 cm §.

1946, 9th April.  The Tuesday Series.  Orchestra Hall.  Chicago.
Mozart: Piano Concerto No.9 K.271.   Liszt: Piano Concerto No.2
Chicago Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio ArrauDésiré Defauw.
Plus orchestral works by Castelnuovo-Tedesco, C. Franck & De Falla.
60-page booklet.  14.6 cm x 22.3 cm §.

1946, 26th May.  First Subscription Recital. Teatro Colón.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:
Bach JS. Beethoven. Schumann. Debussy. Albéniz. Granados.
Two-sided, two-folded sheet.  16.0 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1946, 31st May.  Second Subscription Recital. Teatro Colón.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Schumann. Chopin. Debussy. Satie. Ravel.
12-page brochure.  16.0 cm x 23.3 cm §.

1946, 3rd June.  Third Subscription Recital. Teatro Colón.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:
Haydn. Beethoven. Schumann. Fauré. Ravel. Albéniz. Debussy.
12-page brochure.  15.9 cm x 23.2 cm §.

1946, 6th June.  Fourth Subscription Recital.  Teatro Colón.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Brahms. Chopin. Stravinsky. Ravel. Poulenc.
Two-sided flyer.  15.0 cm x 20.9 cm §.

. .
1946, 6th June.  Fourth Subscription Recital. Teatro Colón.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Brahms. Chopin. Stravinsky. Ravel. Poulenc.
8-page brochure.  15.9 cm x 23.2 cm §.

1946, 8th June.  Quinto Recital de Abono.  Teatro Colón.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:

Mozart. Beethoven. Mendelssohn. Liszt. Bartók. Debussy.
One-sided flyer.  16.1 cm x 32.1 cm §.

1946, 8th June.  Fifth Subscription Recital. Teatro Colón.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Mendelssohn. Liszt. Bartok. Debussy.
12-page brochure.  16.4 cm x 23.3 cm §.

1946, 13th June.  Teatro Colón.  Último Concierto de Abono.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:
Bach. Beethoven. Liszt. Chabrier. Debussy.
One-sided flyer.  15.8 cm x 31.7 cm §.

1946, 13th June.  Last Subscription Recital. Teatro Colón.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Piano Recital with Claudio Arrau:
Bach. Beethoven. Liszt. Chabrier. Debussy.
8-page brochure.  15.9 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1946, 16th, 23rd & 30th June. Festival Beethoven.
Teatro Gran Rex. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos Nos 1, 4, 2, 3 & 5.
Orquesta de la Asociación Sinfónica de Buenos Aires.
Claudio Arrau.  Jascha Horenstein.

Three-folded, two-sided sheet.  16.4 cm x 23.1 cm §.

1946, 1st July.  'Teatro Nacional de Comedia Cervantes'.
Buenos Aires. Argentina. 
'Asociación Wagneriana de Buenos Aires'.  34th Concert Season.
Extraordinary Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau
Mozart.  Brahms.  Schubert.  Ravel.  Debussy.
Two-sided, Two-folded flyer.  15.5 cm x 22.4 cm §.

1946, 7th July.  'Conciertos Daniel'.  Teatro Gran Rex.
Buenos Aires. Argentina. 
Grieg's Piano Concerto Op.16.
Asociación Sinfónica de Buenos Aires.
Claudio Arrau.   Jascha Horenstein.

One-sided flyer.  15.1 cm x 23.7 cm §.

1946, 9th July.  'Sociedad Musical Daniel'.  Teatro Gran Rex.
Buenos Aires. Argentina. 
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2.
Asociación Sinfónica de Buenos Aires.
Claudio Arrau.   Jascha Horenstein.

One-sided flyer.  15.1 cm x 23.7 cm §.

1946, 1st August.  Berkshire Festival, Tanglewood,
Massachusetts, USA. 
Ninth Season. Fourth program.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
Boston Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau. Serge Koussevitzky.

44-page booklet.  14.3 cm x 22.0 cm §.

1947, 5th January.  Sunday Orchestral Concerts.
Royal Albert Hall.  London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.   Dr. Malcolm Sargent.

Two-sided flyer.  12.9 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1947, 5th January.  Sunday Orchestral Concerts.
Royal Albert Hall.  London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.   Dr. Malcolm Sargent.

16-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1947, 7th January.  International Celebrity Subscription Concerts.
City Hall.  Sheffield.  England.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau.

Two-sided flyer.  20.3 cm x 12.8 cm §.

1947, 7th January.  International Celebrity Subscription Concerts.
City Hall. Sheffield. England.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:

Bach.  Beethoven.  Chopin.  Ravel.  Debussy.  Albéniz.  Granados.
Two-sided flyer.  14.0 cm x 21.8 cm §.

1947, 19th January.  Royal Opera House. Covent Garden. London.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:

Bach.  Mozart.  Brahms.  Schumann.  Debussy.  Ravel.  Poulenc.
16-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1947, 22nd January.  Royal Albert Hall. London.
Beethoven's Pianoforte Concerto No.5 in E flat Emperor.
BBC Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult.
Eight-page brochure.  13.5 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1947, 2nd, 4th & 5th July.  Sydney Town Hall, Australia.
Beethoven's Concerto for piano and orchestra No.5 in E flat Emperor.
Sydney Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Rafael Kubelik.
20-page booklet.  15.3 cm x 23.8 cm.   §.
Item signed by Rafael Kubelik & Claudio Arrau  <

1947, 2nd November.  'Aaron Richmond Celebrity Series'.
Symphony Hall.  Boston.  USA.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau
Mozart.  Beethoven.  Brahms.
Mendelssohn.  Schumann.  Ravel.  Albéniz.  R. Palmer.  Debussy.
Eight-page brochure.  15.4 cm x 23.4 cm §.

. .
1947, 6th November.  Eastman Theatre.
University of Rochester. New York.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major Op.83.
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Erich Leinsdorf.
12-page brochure.  13.6 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1947, 12th December.  'Masonic Auditorium Concerts'.
Masonic Auditorium.  Detroit.  Michigan.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau
Beethoven.  Mendelssohn.  Schumann.
Brahms.  Albéniz.  Ravel.  Debussy.
Plus encores by Mendelssohn & Chopin.
16-page brochure.  20.0 cm x 26.7 cm §.

1947, 15th December.   1948, 10th January & 6th February.
Three recitals by Claudio Arrau at the Carnegie Hall of New York,
featuring highlights from Three Centuries of Piano Literature.
Program 1 - 18th Century:   Mozart. Bach. Haydn. Beethoven
Program 2 - 19th Century:   Schubert. Beethoven. Weber.
Brahms. Schumann. Mendelssohn. Moussorgsky. Chopin. Liszt.
Program 3 - 20th Century:   Busoni. Casella. Schoenberg. Bartók.
Ravel. Fauré. Debussy. Albéniz. Poulenc. Copland. Villa-Lobos.
Scriabin. Stravinsky.

Two-sided schedule sheet.  16.7 cm x 28.4 cm §.

1947, 20th December.   NBC, USA.
6:30 - 7:30 Eastern Time:
Country-Wide Radio Broadcast.
Claudio Arrau:  First international soloist of the Season.
NBC Symphony Orchestra
Weber: Konzertstuck for Piano and Orchestra, Op.79.
Conductor:  Erich Kleiber.  Soloist:  Claudio Arrau.
Two-sided postcard.  x §.

1948, 10th May.  'Conciertos Daniel'.  Teatro Gran Rex.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
JS Bach.  Beethoven.  Schumann.  Mendelssohn.
Liszt.  Brahms.  Albéniz.  Debussy.
One-sided flyer.  12.7 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1948, 12th May.  'Conciertos Daniel'.  Teatro Gran Rex.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Schumann. Chopin. Fauré. Debusy. Ravel.
One-sided sheet.  12.9 cm x 20.8 cm. §.

1948, 19th May.  'Conciertos Daniel'.  Teatro Gran Rex.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Bach. Beethoven. Liszt. Ravel. Debussy. Granados.
One-sided flyer. 12.7 cm x 20.7 cm §.

1948, 26th May.  'Conciertos Daniel'.  Teatro Gran Rex.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau
Mozart. Weber. Schubert. Chopin. Albéniz. Debussy.
Eight-page brichure.  16.4 cm x 23.6 cm §.

1948, 31st May.  'Conciertos Daniel'.  Gran Rex.
Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Haydn.  Schumann.  Mendelssohn.  Chopin.  Liszt.
Villa Lobos.  Robert Palmer.  Albéniz.  Debussy.
Eight-page brochure.  16.3 cm x 23.7 cm §.

1948, 7th June.  'Asociación Filarmónica de Buenos Aires'.  Argentina.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3.

Conductor: Juan José Castro.  Soloist: Claudio Arrau.
Eight-page brochure.  15.8 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1948, 12th October.  Town Hall.  Wimbledon.  England.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Bach-Liszt. Beethoven. Schumann. Mendelssohn.
Liszt. Brahms. Debussy. Poulenc.
Two-folded, two-sided sheet. 19.0 cm x 25.2 cm §.

1948, 13th October.  Royal Albert Hall.  London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
BBC Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Sir Adrian Boult.

16-page brochure.  13.6 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1948, 13th October.  Royal Albert Hall.  London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
BBC Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Sir Adrian Boult.

12-page prospectus brochure.  10.3 cm x 12.2 cm §.

1948, 18th October. Stichting Amsterdamsche Kunstkring. Concertgebouw. Amsterdam.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Mendelssohn. Schumann.
Liszt. Ravel. Debussy. Granados.
Two-folded, two-sided sheet. 14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1948, 5th December.  Sunday Orchestral Concerts.
Royal Albert Hall.  London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Artur Rodzinski [replaced, see below].

Two-sided flyer.  29.2 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1948, 5th December.  Royal Albert Hall.  London..
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat.
London Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Josef Krips.

One-sided flyer.  29.2 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1948, 5th December.  Royal Albert Hall.  London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat.
London Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Josef Krips.

16-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1949, 27th March.  Carnegie Hall.  New York. USA.
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Liszt. Chopin. Fauré. Debussy. Ravel.

16-page brochure.  19.3 cm x 26.1 cm §.

1949, 3rd April.  Symphony Hall.  Boston.  USA.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Schubert.  Beethoven.  Schumann.  Debussy.  Fauré.  Ravel.  Bartók.

16-page brochure.  15.3 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1949, 12th & 18 April.  [Beethoven Festival].  Opera House.
San Francisco. USA.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.2.
San Francisco Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Pierre Monteux.

Two-sided flyer.  17.6 cm x 25.4 cm §.

1949, 2nd May.  Sociedad ProArte Musical (SPAM).  Havana.  Cuba.
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau.
Mozart.  Beethoven.  Chopin.  Fauré.  Debussy.  Bartók.

>  Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-sided hard flyer.  14.1 cm x 22.4 cm §.

1949, 9th October.  Theatre Royal.  London.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Haydn.  Beethoven.  Schumann.  Satie.  Granados.  Ravel.  Debussy.

12-page brochure.  16.5 cm x 20.7 cm §.

. .
1949, 20th, 22nd, 23rd & 25th October.
Les Jeunesses Musicales de Belgique. 
Palais des Beaux Arts.  Brussels.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.4 Op.58.
L'Orchestre national de Belgique.  Josef Krips.  Claudio Arrau.

4-page brochure.  18.0 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1949, 3rd December. Sheffield Philharmonic Society.
City Hall. Yorkshire. England.
Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
The Hallé Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Sir John Barbirolli
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
12-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 21.3 cm §.

1949, 3rd December. Sheffield Philharmonic Society.
City Hall. Yorkshire. England.
Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
The Hallé Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Sir John Barbirolli
Item signed by Sir John Barbirolli  <
12-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.3 cm §.

1949, 4th December. Hallé Orchestra Society.
King's Hall. Manchester. England.
Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
Hallé Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Sir John Barbirolli
12-page brochure.  16.4 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1949, 11th December.  The Orchestral Concerts Society.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Liszt's Piano Concerto No.2 in A major.
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor.
London Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Gaston Poulet
One-page flyer.  20.6 cm x 20.86.9 cm §.

1949, 11th December. The Orchestral Concerts Society.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor.
Liszt's Piano Concerto No.2 in A major.
London Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Gaston Poulet
12-page brochure.  16.4 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1949, 14th December. The Royal Philharmonic Society.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat.
The BBC Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Sir Adrian Boult
12-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1949, 16th December. The Edinburgh Concert Society.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major.
The Scottish Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Walter Susskind
12-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1949, 17th & 18th December. 
The Choral and Orchestral Union of Glasgow.
St. Andrew's Hall.   Green's Playhouse.   Glasgow.   Scotland.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat.
The Scottish Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Walter Susskind
28-page season prospectus.  13.9 cm x 21.4 cm §.

1949, 17th December. The Choral and Orchestral Union of Glasgow.
St. Andrew's Hall.   Glasgow.   Scotland.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major.
The Scottish Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Walter Susskind
24-page booklet.  13.9 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1950, 10th January.  Carnegie Hall. New York.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Haydn. Beethoven. Schumann. Satie. Debussy. Ravel. Liszt.

16-page brochure.  19.5 cm x 26.1 cm §.

1950, 20th February.  Palacio de Bellas Artes. Ciudad de México.
Weber: Pieza de Concierto Op.79.
Chopin: Concierto para piano No.2 Op.21.
Liszt: Concierto para piano No.2 en la mayor.
Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional.  Claudio Arrau.  José Y. Limantour
Eight-page brochure.  15.6 cm x 22.3 cm §.
1950, 11th May.  'Conciertos Daniel'.  Teatro Gran Rex.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:  Debussy. Brahms. Chopin.

Eight-page brochure.  15.7 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1950, 15th May.  Gran Teatro Broadway. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Asociación Wagneriana de Buenos Aires.  38th Concert Season.
Beethoven: Concierto No.3 en Do menor Op.37.
Chopin: Concierto No.1 en Mi menor Op.11.
Schumann: Concierto en La menor Op.54.
Orquesta Sinfónica de la Asociación. 
Claudio Arrau.  Roberto Kinsky
Two-folded two-sided sheet.  15.6 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1950, 27th & 29th August. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Ravel. Debussy.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37.
Statsradiofonien Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Erik Tuxen.
12-page brochure.  12.8 cm x 20.5 cm §.

1950, 27th August.  Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Ravel. Debussy.

12-page brochure.  12.8 cm x 20.5 cm §.

1950, 29th August.  Edinburgh International Festival. Scotland.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37.
Statsradiofonien Orchestra Copenhagen.
Claudio Arrau.  Erik Tuxen
12-page brochure.  12.7 cm x 20.5 cm §.

1950, 6th October.  Leeds Triennial Musical Festival.
Leeds Town Hall. England.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major.
The Yorkshire Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Maurice Miles
28-page festival prospectus.  18.5 cm x 24.7 cm §.
1950, 6th October.  Leeds Triennial Musical Festival.
Leeds Town Hall. England.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major.
The Yorkshire Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Maurice Miles
250-page full festival prospectus.  18.1 cm x 23.8 cm §.

1950, 11th October.  BBC Symphony Concerts.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Emperor.
The BBC Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Issay Dobrowen
2-sided top-bended sheet.  12.4 cm x 22.0 cm §.

1950, 11th October.  BBC Symphony Concerts.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Emperor.
The BBC Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Issay Dobrowen
20-page booklet.  18.7 cm x 25.2 cm §.

1950, 15th October.  Royal Albert Hall.  London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major Op.83.
London Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Josef Krips
12-page brochure.  17.6 cm x 24.7 cm §.

1950, 16th October.  The Philharmonia Concert Society.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto in G major.
Claudio Arrau.  Alceo Galliera
One-sided flyer.  17.4 cm x 14.6 cm §.

1950, 16th October.  Mysore Concerts. Royal Albert Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major.
Philharmonia Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Alceo Galliera
Eight-page brochure.  18.7 cm x 25.2 cm §.

1950, 22nd October.  In Aid of The Allied Circle.
His Majesty's Theatre.  Haymarket.  Westminster.   London.
Programme for Moura Lympany's performance at 3:00 pm.
Announcing Claudio Arrau's performance at 8:15 pm [See below].

Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Liszt et al.

12-page brochure.  14.7 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1950, 22nd October.  In Aid of The Allied Circle.
His Majesty's Theatre.  Haymarket.  Westminster.   London.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau at 8:15 pm:
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Liszt et al.

12-page brochure.  18.1 cm x 23.5 cm §.


1951, 11th March.  Aaron Richmond's Celebrity Series.
Jordan Hall. Boston.
Claudio Arrau's Performance.

Two-sided flyer.  17.8 cm x 25.6 cm §.

1951, MayColumbia Record Guide. Middlesex. England.
Claudio Arrau - Columbia LX8792-3.  78rpm record.

Chopin's Scherzo No.4 & My joys.
16-page catalogue.  18.6 cm x 24.8 cm. §.

1951, 11th May.  Festival of Britain 1951. Royal Festival Hall. London.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Schubert. Beethoven. Chopin. Albéniz. Debussy. Granados.

Two-sided flyer.  12.7 cm x 25.5 cm §.
1951, 11th May.  Festival of Britain Concert.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:
Schubert. Beethoven. Chopin. Albéniz. Debussy. Granados.

12-page brochure.  18.9 cm x 24.7 cm §.

1951, 27th June.  Festival of Britain 1951.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G  & 
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult [replaced, see below]
Two-sided flyer.  15.2 cm x 23.4 cm §.

1951, 27th June.  Festival of Britain Concert.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G  &
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. 
Claudio Arrau. Walter Susskind [for Sir Adrian Boult]
12-page brochure.  18.7 cm x 24.8 cm §.

1951, 7th & 8th December.
Cincinnati Fifty-Seventh Season 1951-1952.  USA.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.   Thor Johnson (Music Director)
36-page booklet.  15.4 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1952, 18th January.  Iowa Memorial Union.
State University of Iowa. USA.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven. Mendelssohn. Brahms. Debussy. Granados.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <

Two-folded, two-sided sheet.  15.2 cm x 23.4 cm §.

1952, 8th & 9th February.  Academy of Music. Philadelphia. USA.
Liszt's Piano Concerto No.1  &  Hungarian Fantasia.
The Philadelphia Orchestra.  Claudio ArrauAlexander Hilsberg.

28-page booklet.  14.9 cm x 22.6 cm §.

1952, 19th February.  Carnegie Hall.  New York.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
The Philadelphia Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Alexander Hilsberg.

Eight-page brochure.  15.2 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1952, 19th February.  Carnegie Hall.  New York.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
The Philadelphia Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Alexander Hilsberg.

16-page brochure.  19.3 cm x 25.9 cm §.

1952, 15th & 27th May.  International Celebrity Music Festival 1952.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 Op.15.
Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No.1 Op.23.
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Walter Susskind.
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau
Mozart. Beethoven. Schubert. Ravel. Liszt.

12-page brochure.  18.4 cm x 24.7 cm §.

1952, 27th May.  Only Recital this Season.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Schubert. Ravel. Liszt.

Two-sided flyer.  14.9 cm x 22.8 cm. §.

1952, 22nd July.  symphonies under the stars.
Hollywood Bowl. California.
Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major.
Claudio Arrau.  Izler Solomon.

Second week programme. 
68-page booklet.  15.2 cm x 22.8 cm. §.

1952, 27th August.  Salzburg Festival 1952.
Vienna. Austria
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.4 Op.58.
The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Igor Markevitch.
Six-folded, two-sided sheet.  10.1 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1952, 27th August.  Salzburg Festival 1952.
Vienna. Austria
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.4 Op.58.
The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Igor Markevitch.
Plus - Schubert: Dritte Symphonie D-Dur.
Strawinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps.
-folded, two-sided sheet.  14.9 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1952, 19th October.  Celebrity Series. Opening Event.
Jordan Hall. Boston. USA.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau: 
Brahms. Beethoven. Debussy. Liszt.
Eight-page brochure.  15.2 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1953, 15th March.  The Philharmonic-Symphony Society.
Carnegie Hall. New York.
Liszt 's Piano Concerto No.2 in A major.
The Philharmnic-Symphony Orchestra of New York.
Claudio Arrau. Guido Cantelli.
20-page booklet, plus four tickets
.  19.3 cm x 26.1 cm §.

1953, 15th March.  The Philharmonic-Symphony Society.
Carnegie Hall. New York.
Liszt 's Piano Concerto No.2 in A major.
The Philharmnic-Symphony Orchestra of New York.
Claudio Arrau. Guido Cantelli.
Eight-page brochure.  15.2 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1953, 21st May.  Oxford Subscription Concerts.
New Theatre. Oxford. England.
Claudio Arrau's Piano Recital: 
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Debussy. Granados. Liszt.
Two-sided sheet.  16.5 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1953, 31st May.  A Grand Coronation Concert.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E-flat major Op.73.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Dr. Karl Rankl (for Josef Krips).
12-page brochure.  18.6 cm x 24.5 cm §.

1953, 24th June.  Special Subscription Concert.
Armon Hall.  Haifa.  Israel.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E-flat major Op.73.
The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Heinz Freudenthal.
12-page brochure.  14.7 cm x 23.6 cm §.

1953, 23rd July.  Lewisohn Stadium. College for the City of New York.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B-flat major Op.83.
Stadium Concerts Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Alexander Smallens.
32-page weekly prospectus.  17.2 cm x 24.6 cm §.

1953, 27th October. The Schubert Club. St. Paul Auditorium Theatre.
Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann..

12-page brochure.  15.4 cm x 23.3 cm §.

1953, 17th October. Grand Cycle of Seven Beethoven Recitals.
The Town Hall.  New York.
1st Beethoven Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 3, 26, 31 & 23.

16-page brochure.  16.7 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1953, 31st October. Grand Cycle of Seven Beethoven Recitals.
The Town Hall. New York.
3rd Beethoven Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 5, 7, 15 & 32.

16-page brochure.  16.4 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1953, 7th November. Grand Cycle of Seven Beethoven Recitals.
The Town Hall. New York.
4th Beethoven Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 12, 19, 8, 6, 24 & 16.

16-page brochure, plus ticket.  16.5 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1954, 13th February. Grand Cycle of Seven Beethoven Recitals.
The Town Hall. New York.
7th Beethoven Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 20, 9, 27 & 29.

16-page brochure.  16.6 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1954, 14th & 15th March.  Titania-Palast. Steglitz. Berlin.
Brahms: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr.II B-Dur Op.83.
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester. Claudio Arrau. Milan Horvat.
12-page brochure.  17.1 cm x 18.1 cm §.

1954, 18th April.  Royal Albert Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G  &
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult.
12-page brochure.  14.1 cm x 22.4 cm §.

1954, 20th April.  Tuesday Subscription Concert.
Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. UK.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Hugo Rignold.
12-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1954, 2nd May. International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Albert Hall. London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1.
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Rafael Kubelik.
16-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 22.2 cm §.

1954, 22nd May.  Círculo de Cultura Musical.
20a. Temporada 1953-1954.
Teatro Nacional de São Carlos. Lisboa
. Portugal.
Claudio Arrau recital: 
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Granados. Albéniz. Liszt.
Eight-page brochure.  15.7 cm x 22.0 cm §.

1954, 28th May.   Six Beethoven Concerts.
Royal Festival Hall.  London.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 Emperor.
London Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Josef Krips.
Two-sided flyer.  19.1 cm x 25.1 cm §.

1954, 28th May.   Royal Festival Hall.  London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 Emperor.
London Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Josef Krips.
16-page brochure.  13.4 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1954, 31st May.   Usher Hall.  Edinburgh.  Scotland.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
Scottish National Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Karl Rankl.
Eight-page brochure.  14.1 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1954, 31st August, 4th & 6th September.  
Edinburgh International Festival. Usher Hall. Scotland.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor Op.21.
Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Hans Schimdt-Isserstedt.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Chopin and Liszt.
Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Herbert von Karajan.
92-page festival prospectus.  18.9 cm x 25.8 cm. §.

1954, 6th September.  
Edinburgh International Festival. Usher Hall. Scotland.

Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
Philharmonia Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Herbert von Karajan.*
Klemperer's programme for 9th April 1954.
*Philharmonia Orchestra's season schedule.
20-page booklet.
  18.4 cm x 24.5 cm. §.

1954, 31st August, 4th & 6th September.  
Edinburgh International Festival. Usher Hall. Scotland.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor Op.21.
Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Hans Schimdt-Isserstedt.
Chopin and Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Herbert von Karajan.
12-page, 24-folded, programme schedule.  9.4 cm x 22.4 cm §.

1954, 31st August.   Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor Op.21.
Hamburg Radio Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Hans Schimdt-Isserstedt.
12-page brochure.  12.7 cm x 20.3 cm §.

1954, 4th September. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland
Liszt and Chopin Recital by Claudio Arrau.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
12-page brochure.  12.7 cm x 20.4 cm §.

1954, 6th September. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland
Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor.
The Philharmonia Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Herbert von Karajan.
12-page brochure.  12.8 cm x 20.4 cm §.

1954, 28th September. International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Festival Hall.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37.
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Josef Krips.
20-page booklet.  14.1 cm x 21.9 cm §.

1954, 30th September.  International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Festival Hall. London
Schumann: Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Josef Krips.
20-page booklet.  14.0 cm x 22.0 cm §.

1954, 3rd October.  The Dome. Brighton. England.
Claudio Arrau recital: 
Mozart. Beethoven. Brahms. Granados. Albéniz. Liszt.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-folded, two-sided sheet.  17.8 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1954, 5th Oct0ber.  Philharmonic Hall. Liverpool. England.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor.
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Alfred Wallenstein.
12-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1954, 11th Oct0ber.  Swansea Festival of Music.
The Branwyn Hall. Swamsea. Wales.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor.
The Hallé Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir John Barbirolli.
36-page booklet.  18.7 cm x 24.7 cm §.

1954, 28th Oct0ber.
Grossen Musikvereins-Saal. Wien. Austria.

Arrau's first post-war appearance in Vienna.
Claudio Arrau
's Piano Recital.
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Debussy. Ravel.
One-sided flyer.  15.8 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1954, 5th & 6th November.  Teatro alla Scala. Milano.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2.
in B flat.
Orchestra della Scalla. Claudio Arrau. Nino Sanzogno.
16-page brochure.  16.9 cm x 23.4 cm §.

1955, 6th & 7th January.
The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of N.Y.  Carnegie Hall.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor Op.21.
The Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  George Szell.
16-page brochure.   19.1 cm x 26.2 cm 
& Eight-page brochure.  15.2 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1955, 9th January.
The Philharmonic-Symphony Society of N.Y. Carnegie Hall.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor Op.21.
The Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  George Szell.
Eight-page brochure.  13.0 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1955, 28th May.  Theatre Royal. Dublin.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Granados. Albéniz. Liszt.
4-page brochure.  14.7 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1955, 1st June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor.
The BBC Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Malcolm Sargent.
16-page brochure.  15.9 cm x 22.4 cm §.

1955, 11th June.  Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien.
Grosser Musikvereins-Saal.
Beethoven: Konzert für Klavier und Orchestrer G-Dur op.58
Plus Bruckner: 8. Symphonie c-moll (Originalfassung)
Claudio Arrau.  Joseph Krips.
Two-folded, two-sided sheet (plus 2 admissions).  15.1 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1955, 30th October.  Great Symphony Hall. Boston.
Programme for pianist Emil Gilels's performance on 23rd October.
Announcing Mozart-Beethoven-Schuman recital by
Claudio Arrau on 30th October.
Two-folded, two-sided sheet.  15.2 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1956, 1st March.  The Eaton Auditorium. Toronto. Canada.
Arrau: "The greatest of the great pianists" [Manchester Guardian].
Two-sided flyer.  19.1 cm x 27.4 cm §.

1956, 1st March. Eaton Auditorium Concert Series. Toronto. Canada.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Brahms. Debussy. Liszt.
Two-folded, two-sided sheet.  15.2 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1956, 14th March.  Konzertdirektion für Niedersachsen.
Reihe "Meister am Klavier".
Beethovensaal. Hannover.
Klavierabend von Claudio Arrau:   Mozart. Schumann. Beethoven.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-sided flyer.  14.8 cm x 21.0 cm

1956, 28th May. Six Beethoven Concerts. Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.4 in G.
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Josef Krips.
20-page booklet.  13.5 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1956, 30th May. Six Beethoven Concerts. Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.1
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Josef Krips.
20-page booklet.  14.3 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1956, 4th June. Six Beethoven Concerts. Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.2
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Josef Krips.
20-page booklet.  14.3 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1956, 7th to 11th August.  1956 Stratford Musical Festival.
Festival Concert Hall. Ontario. Canada
Claudio Arrau, Soloist.
Claudio Arrau: Piano Master Class.
44-page festival prospectus.  21.6 cm x 27.9cm §.

1956, 22nd & 23rd August.  Salzburg Festival 1956. Vienna. Austria.
22nd - Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.5 Op.73.  Festspirlhaus.
The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Fritz Reiner.
23rd - Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau. Mozarteum.
Seven-folded, two sided sheet.  10.1 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1956, 22th August.  Salzburg Festival 1956.
Festspielhaus. Vienna. Austria.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.5 Op.73
The Vienna Phiharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Fritz Reiner.
Four-page, two-sided sheet.  15.0 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1956, 23th August.  Salzburg Festival 1956.
Grossen Saal des Mozarteums. Vienna. Austria.
All-Mozart Piano Recital. Solist:
Claudio Arrau.
Phantasie C-Moll KV.475 und Sonate C-Moll KV.457
Sonate F-Dur KV.332
Sonate A-Moll KV.310
Sonate D-Dur KV.576
Programme. Programme notes.
Four-page, two-sided sheet.  15.1 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1956, 11th November.  The Arts Council. Kuala Lumpur. Malaya.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau: 
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Liszt. Poulenc.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Eight-page brochure.  19.2 cm x 27.6 cm §.

1956, 27th November. Tuesday Conert.  City of Birmingham.  UK.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Emperor.
The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Rudolf Schwarz

Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
20-page brochure.  18.3 cm x 24.6 cm §.

1956, 5th December.  Pro-Musica Saison 19576/57. 
3. Meisterkonzert. Berlin
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Poulenc.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-folded, two-sided flyer.  15.0 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1957, 8th May. Círculo de Cultura Musical do Porto, Portugal.
19.a Temporada 1956-1957.  Teatro Rivoli, Porto.
Claudio Arrau's piano recital: Beethoven. Brahms. Chopin. Debussy.
6-page brochure.  15.5 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1957, 10th May. International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Programme for pianist Leon Fleisher's performance on 10th May.
Announcing performances by Claudio Arrau
on 17th, 20th, 26th and 30th May.
32-page booklet.  13.8 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1957, 14th May.  Círculo de Cultura Musical.  Tivoli.  Lisboa.  Portugal.
Beethoven: Concerto No.4 Op.58 em sol maior.
Beethoven: Concerto No.5 Op.73 em mi bemol maior.
Orquestra Sinfónica Nacional.
Claudio Arrau.  Frederico de Freitas.
Eight-page brochure.  16.1 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1957, 20th May. Seventh Series of Beethoven Concerts.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Op.73 Emperor.
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Joseph Krips.
24-page brochure, plus ticket.  13.8 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1957, 25th June.  ABC.  Town Hall.  Sydney. Australia.
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven. Schumann. Debussy. Liszt.
20-page booklet.  15.1 cm x 24.1 cm §.

1957, 29th June.  ABC.  Town Hall.  Sydney. Australia.
All-Beethoven recital by Claudio Arrau:
Eroica Variations. Piano Sonatas 32, 7 & 23.
20-page booklet.  15.2 cm x 24.1 cm §.

1957, 1st July.  ABC.  Town Hall.  Sydney. Australia.
Solo recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Brahms. Chopin..
16-page brochure.  15.3 cm x 24.1 cm §.

1957: 20th July.  ABC.  Town Hall.  Melbourne.  Australia.
All-Beethoven recital by Claudio Arrau:
Eroica Variations. Piano Sonatas 32, 18 & 23.
20-page booklet.  13.7 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1957: 15th, 17th, 24th & 26th October
and 3rd, 4th & 8th November.

Beethoven Festival.
  Royal Festival Hall.  London.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos
No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4, No.4, No.5 & No.5, respectively.
Philharmonia Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Otto Klemperer.
36-page booklet.  22.9 cm x 30.5 cm §.

1957, 27th October.  City of Leeds.  Leeds Town Hall.
Yorkshire. England
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann. Debussy. Liszt.
12-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1957, 10th November.  Hallé Centenary Festival.
Free Trade Hall. Manchester.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Op.73 Emperor.
Hallé Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir John Barbirolli.
16-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 20.3 cm §.

1958, 17th March.  Pro-Musica Saison 1957-58.
6. Meisterkonzert. Berlin
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Beethoven. Schubert. Chopin.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-folded, two-sided flyer.  14.8 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1958, 21st March. 6. Heidelberger Meisterkonzerte.
Heidelberg. Deutschland
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Beethoven. Debussy. Bartók. Poulenc.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Eight-page brochure.  15.2 cm x 10.7 cm §.

1958, 3rd April.  International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.16.
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Thomas Schippers.
20-page booklet, plus ticket.  13.9 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1958, 6th April.  International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Albert Hall. London.
Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major Op.83.
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Lásló Somogyi.
20-page booklet.  13.8 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1958, 18th April. Konzertgesellschaft Wuppertal-Elberfeld.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Beethoven. Schubert. Chopin.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-sided flyer.  14.9 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1958, Spring Tour.  International Celebrity Concert. Scotland.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos No. 3 Op.37  &  No.5 Op.73 Emperor.
Scottish National Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Hans Swarowsky.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
12-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1958, 13th May. Birmingham Festival of Entertinments 1958..
The Town Hall, Birmingham,
Brahms' Piano Concerto No.1 Op. 15. 
Grieg's Piano Concerto Op.16.
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Andrzej Panufnik.
8-page brochure.  17.9 cm x 23.7 cm §.

1958, 14th May. International Celebrity Music Festival.
Royal Festival Hall.  London.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven. Schubert. Beethoven. Liszt.
20-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1958, 18th May.  Prague Spring International Music Festival.
All-Beethoven piano recital by Claudio Arrau:
Sonatas Opus 110, 53, 111 & 57.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-sided, three-folded sheet.  10.5 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1958, 29th May. Israel Philharmonic Subscription Concert 9.
Armon Hall. Haifa.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat major Op.73 The Emperor.
The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Izler Solomon.
24-page book.  16.9 cm x 24.0 cm §.

1958, 7th June.   Fredric R. Mann Auditorium. Tel Aviv. Israel.
All-Beethoven Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 18, 31, 32 & 23.
Three-folded two-sided sheet.  16.1 cm x 24.6 cm §.

1958, 9th August.  Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
50th Anniversary Season.   Seventh Subscription Recital.
Claudio Arrau recital:  Beethoven.  Schubert.  Liszt.  Chopin.

Eight-page brochure.  15.5 cm x 23.1 cm §.

1958, 11th August.  Subscription Concert. 
Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Brahms: Piano Concerto no.2 Op.83
Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional.
Conductor: Lamberto Baldi.  Soloist: Claudio Arrau.

24-page booklet.  15.9 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1958, 16th August.  Teatro Colón.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Fiftieth Anniversary Season.
Recital by Claudio Arrau.
Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann, Debussy & Chopin.
16-page brochure.  15.5 cm x 23.5 cm §.

1958, 18th August.  Asociación Wagneriana.  46th Arts Season.
Gran Teatro Braodway.  Buenos Aires.  Argentina.
Recital by Claudio Arrau:
  Schönberg, Beethoven, Chopin & Liszt.
16-page brochure.  15.1 cm x 22.5 cm §.

1958, 25th August.  Temporada 1958. Pro Arte Brasil.
Teatro Municipal.  Rio de Janeiro.  Distrito Federal.
Soloist: Claudio Arrau.
Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann, Debussy & Liszt.
16-page brochure.  16.5 cm x 23.2 cm §.

1958, 2nd, 7th, 9th & 12th September.
Edinburgh International Festival.  Usher Hall.  Scotland.

Beethoven's recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 7, 21, 32 & 23.
Chopin's recital by Claudio Arrau:
24 Préudes. Allegro de Concert.
Fantaisie. Nocturne. Mazurka. Ballade. Six Studies.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major Op.83
Mozart's Piano Concerto in C minor K.491.
Vienna Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Josef Krips.
12-page double-bent festival schedule.  9.7 cm x 22.2 cm §.


1958, 2nd, 7th, 9th & 12th September.
Edinburgh International Festival.  Usher Hall.  Scotland.

Beethoven's recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 7, 21, 32 & 23.
Chopin's recital by Claudio Arrau:
24 Préudes. Allegro de Concert. Fantaisie.
Nocturne. Mazurka. Ballade. Six Studies.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat major Op.83
Mozart's Piano Concerto in C minor K.491.
Vienna Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Josef Krips.
88-page festival prospectus.  18.4 cm x 25.9 cm §.

1958, 2nd September. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.

All-Beethoven recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 7, 21, 32 & 23.
12-page brochure.  12.7 cm x 20.3 cm §.

1958, 7th September. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.

All-Chopin recital by Claudio Arrau:
24 Preludes Op.28. Allegro de Concert Op.46.  Fantaisie Op.49.
Nocturne Op.62 No.1.  Mazurka Op.41 No.4.  Ballade Op.47.
Six Studies.
12-page brochure.  12.7 cm x 20.4 cm §.

1958, 9th September. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat Op.83.
Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Josef Krips.
12-page brochure.  12.7 cm x 20.4 cm §.

1958, 12th September. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.

Mozart's Piano Concerto in C minor No.24 K.491.
Vienna Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Josef Krips.
12-page brochure.  12.8 cm x 20.4 cm §.

1958, 28th October.  Birmingham Town Hall.  England.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Emperor.
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Andrzej Panufnik.
Item signed by pianist Claudio Arrau and leader Wilfred Lehmann <
16-page brochure.  18.5 cm x 25.0 cm §.

1958, 31st October.  Usher Hall.  Edinburgh.  Scotland.
Beethoven's Pianoforte Concerto No.4 in G major Op.58.
Grieg's Pianoforte Concerto in A minor Op.16.
The Scottish National Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Colin Davis.
12-page brochure.  14.1 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1958, 1st November.  Glasgow Concerts. St. Andrew's Hall. Scotland.
Mozart's Piano Concerto
[either No.25 K.503 or No.21 K.467 - printing error].
Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.16.
The Scottish National Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Colin Davis.
48-page prospectus.  14.1 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1958, 2nd November.  Royal Albert Hall. London.
Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Alexander Gibson.
24-page booklet, plus flyer.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1958, 4th, 5th & 6th December.  Carnegie Hall.  New York.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor Op.37.
New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Leonard Bernstein
24-page booklet.  18.6 cm x 25.1 cm §.

1958, 4th, 5th & 6th December.  Carnegie Hall.  New York.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor Op.37.
New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Leonard Bernstein.
Eight-page brochure.  15.4 cm x 23.1 cm §.

1958, 6th December.  Carnegie Hall.  New York.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor Op.37.
New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Leonard Bernstein.
Eight-page brochure.  14.1 cm x 22.2 cm §.

1959,10th April.  60 Jahre Städtisches Orchester Essen.
Städtischen Saalbau. Musikverein. Essen. Deutchland.

Brahms: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester in D-Moll op.15.
Städtisches Orchester Essen. Claudio Arrau. Gustav König.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Eight-page brochure.  15.0 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1959, 19th May.  Círculo de Cultura Musical. Teatro Tivoli.
Lisbon. Portugal.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Schubert. Beethoven. Liszt. Chopin.
Eight-page brochure.  16.2 cm x 23.1 cm §.


1959, 3rd June - 9th July.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Complete Beethoven Sonata Cycle.
32 Sonatas in 7 recitals.   Pianist:
Claudio Arrau.
Two-sided, three-folded leaflet.  10.4 cm x 19.1 cm §.

1959, 3rd June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven Sonata Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 3, 26, 31 & 23.
16-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1959, 16th June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven Sonata Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 4, 28, 8 & 21.
16-page brochure.  13.8 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1959, 22nd June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven Sonata Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 5, 7, 15 & 32.
16-page brochure.  13.5 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1959, 29th June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven Sonata Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 2, 30, 18, 13 & 14.
16-page brochure.  13.7 cm x 21.4 cm §.

1959, 7th & 8th October. Prospectus 1959-60.
The Hallé Concerts Society. Free Trade Hall. Manchester. England.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37.
The Hallé Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir John Barbirolli.
-page season prospectus.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1959, 7th & 8th October. The Hallé Concerts Society.
Free Trade Hall. Manchester. England.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37.
The Hallé Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir John Barbirolli.
16-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 20.4 cm §.

1959, 14th October. The Royal Philharmonic Society.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Liszt's Totentanz, Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra.
Strauss's Burlesque in D minor for Piano and Orchestra.
The London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Sir Malcolm Sargent.
[Plus Norman del Mar, Rudolf Schwarz, Jascha Horenstein,
Pierre Monteux, Sir John Barbirolli]
Four-page two-sided prospectus.  14.2 cm x 22.1 cm §.

1959, 14th October. The Royal Philharmonic Society.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Liszt's Totentanz, Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra.
Strauss's Burlesque in D minor for Piano and Orchestra.
The London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Sir Malcolm Sargent.
20-page booklet.  13.9 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1960, 12th February.  A Hofstra College Playhouse Series.
Long Island. New York.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 Emperor.
The Hofstra Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Elie Seigmeister.
Two-folded, two sided sheet.  15.9 cm x 24.2 cm

1960, 25th March.  PRO MUSICA Saison 1959/60. Berlin..
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Schumann. Schoenberg. Ravel. Liszt.
Two-folded, two sided sheet.  14.9 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1960, 29th May.  Tchaikovsky Concert. Royal Albert Hall. London.
Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat minor.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Colin Davis.
16-page brochure.  14.2 cm x 22.4 cm §.

1960, 16th June.  London Philharmonic Society.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. John Pritchard.
16-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1960, 25th June.  Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society.
Philharmonic Hall. England.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Op.73 Emperor.
Liszt's Piano Concerto No.1 in E flat.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Hugo Rignold.
16-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1960, 20th July.  Berkshire Festival. Tanglewood.
Theatre-Concert Hall. Massachusetts.
All-Chopin Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau.
Two-folded, two sided sheet, plus single sheet.  19.0 cm x 26.5 cm §.

1960, 23th July.  Berkshire Festival. Tanglewood.
Massachusetts.  USA.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat major Op.73 Emperor.
Boston Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Pierre Monteux.
32-page booklet.  18.8 cm x 26.4 cm §.

1960, 1st August.  Asociación Wagneriana de Buenos Aires.
48a Temporada Artística. Gran Teatro Broadway.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven. Schumann. Ravel. Liszt.
12-page brochure.  15.6 cm x 22.6 cm §.

1960, 8th August.  Teatro Colón.  Duodécimo Concierto de Abono.
Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 Op.15.
Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional. Claudio Arrau. Juan José Castro.
16-page brochure.  15.5 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1960, 24th, 26th & 28th August. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Mozart's Piano Concerto in D minor K.466.  > Superseded. See below <
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Carlo Maria Giulini.
- Solo Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven. Schumann. Ravel. Smetana. Liszt.
- Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor Op.11
Scottish National Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Alexander Gibson.
12-page festival prospectus.  18.9 cm x 22.2 cm §.

1960, 24th & 26th August. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Mozart's Piano Concerto in D minor K.466.  > Superseded. See below <
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Carlo Maria Giulini.
Solo Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven. Schumann. Ravel. Smetana. Liszt.
84-page festival souvenir booklet.  18.2 cm x 25.8 cm §.

1960, 24th August.  Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.1 in C major Op.15.
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Carlo Maria Giulini.
12-page brochure, plus one ticket.  13.0 cm x 20.4 cm §.

1960, 18th October.  Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society.  England.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G Op.58.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. John Pritchard.
16-page brochure.  12.5 cm x 21.8 cm §.

1960, 20th October.  International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
All-Chopin Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau.
16-page brochure.  13.9 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1960, 4th November.  Associazione Amici Della Musica Perugia.
Umbria. Italy.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Schumann. Chopin. Ravel. Liszt.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
16-page brochure.  14.1 cm x 16.6 cm §.

1961, 12th & 13th March.
Konzertsaal der Hochschule für Musik. Berlin.
Schumann:  Konzert für Klavier und Orchester op.54.
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester.
Claudio Arrau. István Kertész.
12-page brochure.  17.2 cm x 18.2 cm §.

1961, 12th June.  Stockholms Festspel 1961. Stora Börssalen. Sweden.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Mozart. Beethoven. Schumann.
100-page festival book.  12.2 cm x 19.0 cm §.

1961, 7th June.  International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor Op.11.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major Op.58.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D mior Op.15.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult.
16-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1961, 16th June.  International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor Op.21.
Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.16.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat major Op.73 Emperor.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult.
16-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1962, 27th & 28th March.  Vorschau 1961/1962.  Berlin.
Brahms:  Klavierkonzert Nr.1.
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester. Claudio Arrau. Colin Davis.
40-page season prospectus.  17.3 cm x 18.1 cm §.

1962, 26th May.  Bergen International Festival. Norway.
Orchestral concert performance.
Bergen Symphony Orchestra.   Soloist: Claudio Arrau.
Two-sided, four-folded, prospective leaflet.  10.5 cm x 21.8 cm §.

1962, 6th June.  International Celebrity Recital.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Brahms. Debussy. Liszt.
16-page brochure.  14.1 cm x 21.8 cm §.

1962, 21st June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37.
Weber's Konzertstück in F minor Op.79.  Liszt's Totentanz.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult.
>  Maestro Arrau plays in aid of the United Nations Association  <
20-page booklet.  13.9 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1962, 30th July.  ABC. Sydney Town Hall. NSW. Australia.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Mozart. Brahms. Debussy.
16-page brochure.  15.7 cm x 24.2 cm §.

1962, 14th October.  Her Majesty's Theatre. Montreal. Canada.
All-Beethoven Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 26, 31, 7 & 23.
Two-folded, double-sided sheet.  15.3 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1962, 8th December.  Grand Beethoven Cycle - Program V.
Philharmonic Hall. Lincoln Center. New York.
Claudio Arrau
plays piano sonatas Nos. 12, 7, 24, 6 & 8 Pathétique.
72-page booklet.  20.9 cm x 27.8 cm §.

1963, 2nd February.  Foothill College Gymnasium.
Los Altos Hills
. California.
Programme for pianist Alexander Brailowsky's performance on 19th January 1963.
Announcing Claudio Arrau's performance on 2nd February 1963.
16-page brochure.  14.9 cm x 22.3 cm §.

1963, 11th & 12th February.  Seattle Opera Hause.  Washington.
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor Op.11.  Liszt's Todtentanz.
Seattle Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Milton Katims.
16-page brochure.  15.4 cm x 23.1 cm §.


1963, 5th, 12th, 20th & 27th June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Brahms's Piano Concertos No.2 Op.83  &  No.1 Op.15.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos No.1 Op.15   &   No.4 Op.58.
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult.
All-Beethoven Recital.   All-Chopin Recital.
Soloist: Claudio Arrau.
One-sided, four-folded mail order.  23.0 cm x 10.3 cm §.

1963, 5th June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Brahms's Piano Concertos
No.2 in B flat Op.83  &  No.1 in D minor Op.15.
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
20-page booklet.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1963, 7th June.  The Bath Festival:  6th-16th June.
Bath. Somerset. UK.
All-Chopin Recital.  Soloist:  Claudio Arrau.
Fantasy Op.49.  Ballades Op.47 & Op.52.
Sonata Op.58.  Barcarolle Op.60.
Polonaise-Fantasie Op.61.   Nocturne Op.62 No.1.   Scherzo Op.54.
66-page booklet.  20.4 cm x 25.0 cm §.

1963, 15th June.  Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society.
Liverpool Philharmonic Hall.  England.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos No. 5 in E flat Op.73 Emperor.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat Op.83.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Charles Groves.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
12-page brochure.  14.1 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1963, 20th June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
All-Beethoven Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 13, 14, 28, 30 & 32.
20-page booklet.  13.9 cm x 21.3 cm §.

1963, 27th June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
All-Chopin Recital by Claudio Arrau.
16-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1963, 4th July.  Círculo de Cultura Musical. 
Teatro Nacional de São Carlos.  Lisbon.  Portugal.
Brahms's Piano Concertos No.1 Op.15  &  No.2 Op.83.
Orquestra Sinfónica da Emissora Nacional.

Claudio Arrau. Joaquim da Silva Pereira
Three-folded, two-sided sheet.  15.5 cm x 21.3 cm §.

1963, 5th July.  Círculo de Cultura Musical.  Teatro Tivoli.
Lisbon.  Portugal.
Brahms's Piano Concertos No.1 Op.15  &  No.2 Op.83.
Orquestra Sinfónica da Emissora Nacional.
Claudio Arrau. Joaquim da Silva Pereira.
Three-folded, two-sided sheet.  15.5 cm x 21.3 cm §.

1963, 31st August.  Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro.
Festival Internacional de Música do Rio de Janeiro.
Agôsto-Setembro, 1963.
Brahms: Concêrto para piano e orquestra No.2 Op.83.
Orquestra Filarmonia de Londres.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir John Barbirolli.
20-page booklet.  16.2 cm x 23.1 cm §.

1963, 7th September.
Semaines Internationales de Musique Lucerne 1963.
Kunsthaus. Lucerne. Switzerland.
Schumann: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester a-moll op. 54.
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. André Cluytens.
124-page festival prospectus, plus flyers.  12.9 cm x 21.4 cm §.

1963, 12th, 16th & 23rd November.
Beethoven Festival October/December 1963.
Philharmonia Concert Society. Philharmonia Chorus.
Royal Festival Hall.  London.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos Nos. 3, 4 & 5 Emperor.
Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Otto Klemperer.
48-page festival booklet.  22.8 cm x 30.5 cm §.

1964, 4th March.  Philharmonic Hall. Lincoln Center. New York.
All-Mozart Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Sonatas K.283 & K.30.  Fantaisie K.465 & Sonata K.457.
Sonatas K.570 & K.576.
48-page booklet.  20.6 cm x 27.8 cm §.

1964, 15th April.  Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien.  Austria.
Klavierabend.  Claudio Arrau.
Beethoven: Sonaten D-Dur op.10 Nr.3  und
C-Dur op.53 Waldsteinsonate.
Schumann: Fantasie C-Dur op.17.
Liszt: Gnomenreigen. Mephistowalzer.
> Item signed by Claudio Arrau <
4-page brochure  15.0 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1964, 4th June.  Royal Albert Hall.  London.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos No. 1 in C Op.15  &  No.3 in C minor Op.37.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat Op.83.
New Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult.
20-page booklet.  14.1 cm x 21.4 cm §.

1964, 6th June.  Bath Festival 1964.  Assembly Rooms.
Bath.  England.
Mozart's Piano Concerto in D major K.451.
Bath Festival Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Yehudi Menuhin.
76-page souvenir programme.  20.1 cm x 25.1 cm §.

1964, 8th July.  Festival of the City of London 1964.  Guildhall.
Mozart's Piano Concerto in B flat major K.450.
English Chamber Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. John Pritchard.
76-page souvenir programme, plus inserts.  21.6 cm x 27.9 cm §.

1964, 22nd August.  Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires.
Piano recital by Claudio Arrau:  Beethoven.  Mozart.  Liszt.
Programme.  Programme notes. Brief biographical notes. Ads. Photo.
16-page brochure.  15.8 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1964, 6th & 7th November.
Scottish National Orchestra Season 1964-65.
Usher Hall, Edinburgh  &  Concert Hall, Glasgow.  Scotland.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G major Op.58.
Scottish National Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Alexander Gibson.
64-page season prospectus.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1964, 8th November. Hallé Season 1964-65. Manchester. England.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat.
Hallé Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Francesco Mander.
68-page season prospectus.  14.1 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1964, 8th November. Hallé Season 1964-65. Manchester. England.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in in B flat.
Hallé Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Francesco Mander.
-page booklet.  13.9 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1964, 10th November.  Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society.
Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. England.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau. Charles Groves.
16-page brochure.  14.4 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1964, 12th & 14th November.  London Philharmonic Society.
Royal Albert Hall. London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
Liszt's Totentanz
London Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. John Pritchard.
Plus Beethoven's Egmont Overture & Prokofiev's Classical Symphony
14th:  Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat Op.83.
Weber's Konzertstück for piano and orchestra.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. John Pritchard.
Plus Beethoven's Symphony No.8 in F.
36-page brochure.  14.3 cm x 22.0 cm §.

1964, 14th November.  London Philharmonic Society.
Royal Albert Hall. London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat Op.83.
Weber's Konzertstück for piano and orchestra.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. John Pritchard.
Plus Beethoven's Symphony No.8 in F.

16-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1965, 16th & 23rd February, 3rd March.
Philharmonic Hall. Lincoln Center. NY.
Three recitals by Claudio Arrau:
All-Beethoven.   Beethoven, Mozart & Schubert.
Brahms, Schumann & Debussy.
One-sided, four-folded mail order.  23.0 cm x 10.2 cm §.

1965, 23rd February.  Philharmonic Hall. Lincoln Center. NY.
Recital by Claudio Arrau: Beethoven. Schubert. Mozart.
48-page booklet.  20.6 cm x 27.7 cm §.

1965, 3rd June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Recital by Claudio Arrau: Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart.
16-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1965, 20th June  LSO International Series.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Liszt's Piano Concerto No.2 in A.   R.Strauss's Burlesque in D minor.
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Colin Davis.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
28-page booklet.  20.4 cm x 18.6 cm §.
1965, 27th June  LSO International Series.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Emperor.
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Colin Davis.
28-page booklet.  20.2 cm x 18.6 cm §.

1965, 1st August.   Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
'Amigos de la Música'.  Festival Beethoven.
Piano Concertos No. 1 Op.15  &  No.5 Op.73.
Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional. Claudio Arrau. Teodoro Fuchs.
28-page booklet.  16.1 cm x 23.5 cm §.

1965, 3rd August.  Asociación Wagneriana de Buenos Aires.
Teatro Gran Rex. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Beethoven, Debussy, Liszt.
16-page brochure.  15.7 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1965, 8th August.   Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
'Amigos de la Música'.  Festival Beethoven.
Piano Concertos No. 2 Op.19  &  No.3 Op.37.
Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional. Claudio Arrau. Teodoro Fuchs.
28-page booklet.  16.0 cm x 23.3 cm §.

1965, 14th August.   Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
1965 Official Season.   Sixth Subscription Recital.
Recital by  Claudio Arrau.
Beethoven.  Schubert.  Mozart.  Beethoven.
Eight-page brochure.  15.2 cm x 22.8 cm §.

1965, 15th August.   Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
'Amigos de la Música'.  Festival Beethoven.
Fantasía Coral para piano, coro y orquesta Op.80
Concierto para piano y orquesta No.4 en Sol mayor Op.58
Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional. Claudio Arrau. Teodoro Fuchs.
28-page booklet.  16.2 cm x 23.5 cm §.

1965, 15th August.   Teatro Colón. Buenos Aires. Argentina.
'Asociación Amigos de la Música'.  Festival Beethoven.
Fantasía para piano, coro y orquesta Op.80
Concierto No.4 en Sol mayor Op.58
Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional.
  Claudio Arrau.  Teodoro Fuchs.
28-page booklet.  15.9 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1965, 4th, 6th, 8th & 10th September.
Edinburgh International Festival.  Usher Hall.  Scotland.
Mozart's Piano Concerto in D minor K.466.  > Needs corroboration <
New Philharmonia Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Carlo Maria Giulini.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 Emperor
New Philharmonia Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Sir John Barbirolli.
- Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor
BBC Scottish Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Norman del Mar.
- Solo recital by Claudio Arrau: Haydn. Schubert. Beethoven.
16-page festival prospectus.  18.5 cm x 21.3 cm §.

1965, 4th September.  Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.1 in C major Op.15.
New Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Carlo Maria Giulini.
12-page brochure.  12.8 cm x 20.4 cm §.

1965, 6th September.  Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat major Op.73.
New Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir John Barbirolli.
16-page brochure.  12.7 cm x 20.3 cm §.

1965, 8th September.  Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
BBC Scottish Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Norman del Mar.
12-page brochure.  12.7 cm x 20.3 cm §.

1965, 11th October.  Grosser Musikvereinssaal.
Konzertbüro der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien. Austria.
Klavierabend.   Claudio Arrau.
Beethoven: Sonate Es-Dur op.31 Nr.3 &
Sonate f-moll op.57 Appassionata.
Schumann: Carnaval op.9.
Programme: Two-folded, two-sided sheet.   15.0 cm x 21.0 cm. §.

1966, 5th, 1th & 16th June.  Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. England.
Beethoven's Five Piano Concertos and
Fantasia for Piano, Chorus and Orchestra.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Charles Groves.
[Arrau cancelled on 16th June - Concerto No.3 and Fantasia -
due to an arm injury, Barenboim replacing]
24-page booklet.  17.2 cm x 21.6 cm §.


1966, 8th & 13th June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
All-Beethoven Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau: Four Sonatas.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos No.4 in G Op.58   &
No.5 in E flat Op.73 Emperor.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Charles Groves.
Two-folded two-sided flyer.  22.8 cm x 10.1 cm §.

1966, 13th June.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos No.4 in G Op.58  &
No.5 in E flat Op.73 Emperor.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Charles Groves.
20-page booklet.  17.7 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1967, 1st March. 
Carnegie Hall Diamond Jubilee - 75th Season.  New York.
Three Beethoven Piano Sonata Evenings - Second Program.
Claudio Arrau:
Sonatas Nos. 1, 18 (La chasse), 30, 2 & 23 (Appassionata).
24-page booklet.  21.0 cm x 27.2 cm §.

1967, 19th March.
Carnegie Hall Diamond Jubilee - 75th Season.  New York.
Three Beethoven Piano Sonata Evenings - Third Program.
Claudio Arrau:
Sonatas Nos. 3, 31, 13, 14 (Moonlight) & 21 (Waldstein).
24-page booklet.  21.0 cm x 27.2 cm §.

1967, 13th April.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
New Philharmonia Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Adrian Boult.
20-page booklet.  18.3 cm x 24.0 cm §.

1967, 25th May.  LSO International Series 1966-67.
Royal Festival Hall. London..

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor Op.15.
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Seiji Ozawa.
Item signed by Seiji Ozawa and Claudio Arrau  <
24-page booklet.  21.1 cm x 18.9 cm §.

1967, 28th May.  LSO International Series 1966-67.
Royal Albert Hall. London..

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor Op.11
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Seiji Ozawa.
24-page booklet.  21.1 cm x 19.1 cm §.

1967, 167th & 8th June. Festival Casals. San Juan de Puerto Rico.
Teatro de la Universidad de Puerto Rico.

Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau: Beethoven. Liszt. Chopin.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3  &  Liszt's Piano Concerto No.2.
Orquesta del Festival Casals. Claudio Arrau. Víctor Tevah.
88-page festival prospectus.  16.6 cm x 24.0 cm §.

1967, 15th July.  Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Teatro Colón.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Beethoven.  Debussy.  Chopin.

12-page brochure.  15.9 cm x 22.9 cm §.
1967, 16th July.  Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Teatro Colón.

Chopin: Concierto No.2 en Fa menor Op.21   &
Concierto No.1 en Mi menor Op.11.
Orquesta de la Asociación Amigos de la Música.
Claudio Arrau. Julio Malaval.
12-page brochure.  15.8 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1967, 22nd August.  Henry Wood Promenade Concerts.
Royal Albert Hall. London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
BBC Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Malcolm Sargent*.
>  *Superseded. See below  <
40-page prospectus for the entire festival.  13.4 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1967, 22nd August.  Henry Wood Promenade Concerts.
Royal Albert Hall. London..

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
BBC Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio ArrauColin Davis.
12-page brochure.  13.4 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1967, 25th August.  Edinburgh International Festival 1967.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven, Mozart, Debussy Chopin.
12-page brochure.  10.3 cm x 25.5 cm §.


1968, 29th February.  Teatro de Bellas Artes. Mexico City.
Mexico68. Programa Cultural de la XIX Olimpiada.
Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven.  Schumann.  Debussy.  Chopin.
20-page booklet.  25.1 cm x 25.2 cm §.

1968, 23rd April.  Philharmonie. Berlin.
Weber: Konzertstück für Klavier und Orchester in f-moll Op.79.
Schumann: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester in a-moll Op.54.
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester.
Claudio Arrau.  Gerd Albrecht.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau and Gerd Albrecht  <
Two-folded sheet.  16.8 cm x 23.9 cm §.

1968, 11th May.  The Brighton Dome.  England.
Brahms: Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat Op.83.
B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Colin Davis.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau and Colin Davis  <
24-page booklet.  18.3 cm x 24.7 cm §.

1968, 12th May.  Royal Festival Hall.  London.
Liszt: Piano Concertos Nos. 1 & 2.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Bernard Haitink.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau and Bernard Haitink  <
24-page booklet.  24.2 cm x 17.9 cm §.

1968, 14th, 16th & 22nd June. 
The 21st Aldeburgh Festival. Suffolk. UK.
Brahms's Liebeslieder Walzer.
Claudio Arrau, Benjamin Britten, and Voices.
Brahms's Quintet for Piano & Strings Op.34.
Claudio Arrau.  Amadeus Quartet.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:  Schubert. Satie. Debussy. Poulenc.
132-page festival programme book.  18.3 cm x 24.2 cm §.

1968, 25th June.  LSO International Series 1967-68.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Gennadi Rozhdestvensky.
24-page booklet.  21.4 cm x 19.1 cm §.

1968, 3rd September.  Australian Broadcasting Cimmission.
Town Hall. Sydney.
Recital by Claudio Arrau: Beethoven, Schumann, Chopin.
12-page brochure.  15.2 cm x 24.1 cm §.

1969, 29th & 30th March.
Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wein. Austria.
Brahms: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 1 d-moll Opus 15.
Wiener Symphoniker.  Claudio Arrau.  Josef Krips.
Two-folded sheet plus three single two-sided sheets.
14.8 cm x 21.0 cm

1969, 31st March.  Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund,
Bildungsreferat.  Wien.

Brahms: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr.1 d-moll Opus 15.
Wiener Symphoniker.  Claudio Arrau.  Walter Weller.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-folded sheet plus three single two-sided sheets.
14.8 cm x 21.0 cm

1969, 4th, 8th & 11th May.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Beethoven's Piano Concertos No. 3 in C minor, No. 4 in G & No. 5 in E.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Bernard Haitink
24-page prospectus for May.  9.2 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1969, 4th May.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Bernard Haitink.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau and Bernard Haitink  <
>  Programme broadcast by the BBC  <
20-page booklet.  24.1 cm x 17.6 cm §.

1969, 8th May.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.4 in G.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Bernard Haitink
>  Programme broadcast by the BBC  <
20-page booklet.  24.3 cm x 17.7 cm §.

1969, 11th May.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Emperor.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Bernard Haitink.
>  Programme broadcast by the BBC  <
24-page booklet.  21.6 cm x 18.1 cm §.

1969, 17th May.  City Hall.  Newcastle upon Tyne.  UK.
Beethoven:  Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37.
Northern Sinfonia Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Rudolf Schwarz.
>   Item signed by Claudio Arrau   <
12-page brochure.  14.2 cm x 22.5 cm §.

1969, 17th June.  LSO International Series 1968-69.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Brahms: Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Antal Dorati.
24-page booklet.  21.6 cm x 18.1 cm §.

1969, 29th June.  Bath Festival.  Somersert. UK.
Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven. Mozart. Debussy. Liszt.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
8-page brochure.  17.1 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1969, 1st July.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Brahms: Piano Concerto No.1.
New Philharmonia Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Daniel Barenboim
24-page booklet.  18.4 cm x 24.2 cm §.

1969, 6th & 8th September.  Edinburgh International Festival 1969.
Usher Hall.  Scotland.
Chopin: Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor Op.11
Scottish National Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir John Barbirolli.
Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Mozart. Schumann. Debussy. Liszt.
106-page festival souvenir book.  21.1 cm x 29.9 cm §.

1969, 6th September.  Edinburgh International Festival 1969.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Chopin: Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor Op.11
Scottish National Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir John Barbirolli.
12-page brochure.  10.3 cm x 25.4 cm §.

1969, 8th September.  Edinburgh International Festival 1969.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Claudio Arrau Recital:
Mozart. Schumann. Debussy. Liszt.
12-page brochure.  10.3 cm x 25.4 cm §.

1969, 15th October.  The Royal Philharmonic Society. 158th Season.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Schumann's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.54.
R.Strauss's Burleske in D minor for Piano and Orchestra.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  André Previn.
20-page booklet.  14.1 cm x 21.7 cm §.


1970, 10th April.  Pro Musica Zyklus in der Philharmonie. Berlin.
Claudio Arrau's all-Beethoven Recital:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 4, 81a, 30 & 32.
Two-folded sheet.  14.8 cm x 21.0 cm §.

. .
1970, 23rd & 25th April.  Carnegie Hall.  New York.
International Festival of Visiting Orchestras.  Two Evening Concerts. 
23rd  Liszt's Piano Concerto No.2.
 25th  Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5.
London Philharmonic Orchestra. 
Claudio Arrau.  Bernard Haitink.
Two-sided flyer.  17.1 cm x 26.2 cm §.

1970, 17th May.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Gennadi Rozhdestvensky. 
>  Superseded, see below  <
24-page prospectus for May.  8.2 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1970, 17th May.  Snape Maltings Rebuilding Fund.
The Aldeburgh Festival.  Royal Festival Hall. London.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  André Previn
36-page bokklet.  21.0 cm x 29.8 cm §.

1970, 8th & 10th June. Festival Casals.
Teatro de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. San Juan.

Beethoven: Concierto para Piano y Orquesta No. 5 Op.73 Emperador.
Festival Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Alexander Schneider
Beethoven: Sonatas para piano y violín Op.12 No.1 & Op.30 No.2. 
Beethoven: Sonata para piano Op.57 Appassionata.
Claudio Arrau,  Henryk Szeryng.

90-page festival prospectus booklet.  16.4 cm x 23.9 cm §.

1970, 19th & 21st June and 3rd and 7th July.
Beethoven Bicentenary 1970.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos No.1 in C  &  No.4 in G.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 Emperor &
Fantasia for piano, chorus and orchestra.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos No.2 in B   &   No.3 in C.
All-Beethoven recital: Piano Sonatas Nos. 30, 32, 31 & 23.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Charles Groves.
32-page booklet.  17.1 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1970, 23rd, 26th & 28th June.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Beethoven's Piano Concertos No.1 in C  &  No.4 in G.
All-Beethoven recital: Piano Sonatas Nos. 4, 17, 18 & 21.  
>  26th June modified. See below  <
Beethoven's Piano Concertos No.2 in B  &  No.3 in C.
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Lawrence Foster
24-page prospectus for June.  8.4 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1970, 23rd June. Opening Concert - Beethoven Bi-Centenary Series.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Beethoven's Piano Concertos Nos. 1 & 4. 
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Lawrence Foster
20-page booklet.  13.1 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1970, 26th June.  Beethoven's Bi-Centenary.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Claudio Arrau's all-Beethoven Recital:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 4, 81a, 7 & 21.
12-page brochure.  18.4 cm x 24.9 cm §.

1970, 28th June.  Beethoven Bi-Centenary Series.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Beethoven's Piano Concertos Nos. 2 & 3. 
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Lawrence Foster.
>  Arrau indisposed, Radu Lupu kindly filled in at short notice  <
20-page booklet.  13.1 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1970, 11th July.  Cheltenham Festival 3-12 July 1970. England.
Claudio Arrau's all-Beethoven Recital:
Piano Sonatas Nos. 3, 17, 26 & 32.
140-page book.  14.1 cm x 18.5 cm §.


1971, 10th February.
The University of Arizona. Celebrity Artist Series.
The Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium.  Tempe, Arizona.

Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor Op.16.
The University Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Henry Johnson.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau <
Two-folded, two-sided sheet.  15.2 cm x 22.7 cm §.

1971, 8th April.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Adran Boult.
32-page prospectus for April.  8.3 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1971, 8th April.  Royal Festival Hall. London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Adran Boult.
20-page booklet.  24.3 cm x 17.8 cm §.

1971, 25th April.  Extrarodinary Public Recital.
Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wien.
Soloist:  Claudio Arrau.
Beethoven.  Liszt.  Debussy.  Chopin.
Two-sided, two-folded sheet.  15.0 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1971, 9th May.  Brighton Festival 5th-16th May 1971.
The Dome. Brighton. England.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
BBC Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Gennado Rozhdestvensky.
72-page festival prospectus booklet.  17.8 cm x 24.6 cm §.
1971, 23rd August.   Temporada Oficial de Concertos de 1971.
Sala Cecília Meireles. Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.
Claudio Arrau's  Recital
Beethoven. Liszt. Debussy. Chopin.
8-page brochure.  22.8 cm x 28.7 cm §.

1972, 9th & 10th April.  Philharmonie. Berlin.
Brahms: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. II in B-dur op.83.
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester.
Claudio Arrau.  Carlo Maria Giulini.
Two-folded sheet.  16.9 cm x 24.0 cm §.

1972, 16th April.  LSO International Series 1971-72.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Jascha Horenstein.
24-page booklet.  21.8 cm x 18.3 cm §.

1972, 25th May.  Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Temporada 1971-1972.  Grande Audotório.  Lisboa.  Portugal.
Claudio Arrau Recital:
Mozart: Fantasia K.475 em dó menor & Sonata K.457 em dó menor.

Beethoven: Sonata Op.111 em dó menor.
Schumann: Carnaval op.9.
Three-folded two-sided leaflet.  15.6 cm x 22.6 cm §.

1972, 5th & 12th June.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Liszt: Petrarca 104, Sonata in B minor & Piano Concertos No.1 & No.2.

Chopin: 24 Préludes, Andante spianato & Piano Concerto No.1.
>  12th June superseded: See below   <
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Adran Boult
32-page prospectus for June.  8.4 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1972, 12th June.
In aid of the Sir John Barbirolli Memorial Foundation.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Chopin's Three Solo Works.
Chopin's Piano Concertos No.2 in F minor & No.1 in E minor.
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Adrian Boult.
12-page brochure.  18.7 cm x 24.2 cm §.

. .
1972, 13th August.  Municipalidad de Buenos Aires.
Teatro Colón.
LXV Temporada Oficial.
Claudio Arrau
's Recital.
Beethoven's Sonata No.13 en Mi bemol mayor Op.27 No.1.
Liszt's Sonata in Si menor (dedicada a Schumann).
Schumann's Carnaval Op.9
12-page brochure.  18.0 cm x 26.4 cm §.

1972, 24th August. Teatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro.
Guanabara. Brasil.
Temporada Oficial do Sesquicentenário da Independência
Claudio Arrau Recital. 
Mozart: Sonata em sol maior KV 283.
Brahms: Sonata em Fa menor Op.5.
Schumann: Carnaval Op.9.
Two-folded, two-sided sheet.  23.6 cm x 32.5 cm §.

1973, 2nd May.  RSO Berlin. Grosser Sendesaal, Masurenallee, Berlin.
Chopin: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. 2 f-Moll, opus 21.
Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin.
Claudio Arrau.  Eliahu Inbal.
20-page booklet.  15.0 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1973, 2nd & 7th May.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall. London.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor.
New Philharmonia Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Charles Groves
Beethoven & Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
32-page prospectus for May.  8.3 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1973, 2nd May.  The Royal Philharmonic Society.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor.
New Philharmonia Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Charles Groves
16-page brochure. Two tickets.  13.9 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1973, 15th November.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

Grieg's Piano Concerto in A minor.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Edo de Waart
16-page brochure.  8.2 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1973, 4th December.  H. Samuel International Concerts.
Town Hall.  Birmingham.
Claudio Arrau's Recital:  Beethoven, Liszt & Schumann.
Two-sided flyer.  14.9 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1974, 13th May.  Avery Fisher Hall. Lincoln Center. New York.
Claudio Arrau's Recital: Beethoven & Liszt.
Two-sided flyer.  15.3 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1974, 16th April.   Brucknerhaus.  Großer Saal.  Linz.   Austria.
Klavierabend Claudio Arrau.
Beethoven: Klaviersonate D-Dur op.10 Nr.3
Beethoven: Klaviersonate c-Moll op.111
Liszt: Klaviersonate h-Moll in einem Satz
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
2-sided, 2-bended sheet.  16.1 cm x 15.0 cm §.

1974, 30th April.   Liverpool Philharmonic Society.
Liverpool Philharmonic Hall.  England.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Charles Groves.
16-page brochure.  14.7 cm x 20.6 cm §.

1974, 7th May.   Royal Albert Hall. Royal Choral Society. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.1.
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Meredith Davies.
>   Item signed by Claudio Arrau   <
20-page booklet.  17.8 cm x 25.6 cm §.

1974, 19th June.  Göteborgs Konserthusetroyal Festival Hall, London.
Liszt's Piano Concerto No.2  &
R.Strauss's Burleske for Piano and Orchestra.
New Philharmonia Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Kurt Masur.
28-page booklet.  21.0 cm x 20.0 cm §.

1974, 20th July.  Spaulding Auditorium.  Hopkins Center. 
Dartmouth College. Hanover. New Hampshire. USA.

Piano Recital.  Claudio Arrau.
Beethoven: Sonata in E-flat major Op.81a Les adieux.
Liszt: Sonata in B minor.   Brahms: Sonata in F minor Op.5.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-folded, two-sided sheet
.  14.1 cm x 24.2 cm §.

1974, 15th August.  Melbourne Town Hall.  Melbourne.  Australia.
Australian Broadcasting Commission.   A special orchestral concert.
Liszt: Piano Concerto No.2 in A   &
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.3 Op.37.
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Hiroyuki Iwaki.
Plus Beethoven's Symphony No.1 Op.21.
20-page brochure.  15.2 cm x 24.1 cm §.

1974, 24th October.  Göteborgs Konserthuset, Stora Salen, Sverige.
Schumann: Pianokonsert a-moll op. 54
Göteborgs Symfoniker.   Claudio Arrau.  Dean Dixon.
Two-folded sheet.  12.6 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1974, 7th November.  Merlin Music Society.
Monmouth School Hall.  Wales.
Claudio Arrau
Recital: Beethoven, Liszt & Brahms.
Two-folded sheet, plus one single sheet insert.  12.6 cm x 20.3 cm §.

1974, 10th November.  Hallé Concerts Society. Free Trade Hall.
Manchester, England.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
Hallé Orchestra.   Claudio Arrau.  Arvid Yansons.
20-page booklet.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1974, 12th November.  Lancaster University Concerts.
Lancshire. England
Claudio Arrau
Recital: Beethoven, Liszt & Brahms.
Three-folded sheet.  15.4 cm x 24.2 cm §.

1974, 14th & 17th November.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

Brahms's Piano Concertos No.1 in D minor & No.2 in B flat.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Bernard Haitink
32-page booklet.  8.2 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1974, 14th November.  LPO 1974-75 Season.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Bernard Haitink.
52-page booklet.  18.3 cm x 25.2 cm §.


1974, 17th November.  LPO 1974-75 Season.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 in B flat.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Bernard Haitink
40-page booklet.  18.3 cm x 25.1 cm §.

1975, 25th January. Brooklyn College Guest Artist Series.
Walt Whitman Hall, New York.
Weber: Konzertstück for Piano and Orchestra.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat major.
The Musica Aeterna Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Frederic Waldman.
Eight-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1975, 2nd April. Meisterzyklus der Konzertgesellschaft Zürich.
Grosser Tonhallesaal
. Schweiz.
Klavierabend Claudio Arrau: Beethoven & Schumann.
Eight-page brochure plus two-folded flier.  14.6 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1975, 4th & 5th April.  Philharmonie.  Berlin.
6. Abonnementskonzert der Serie B
Beethoven:  Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. V in Es-dur op.73.
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester.
Claudio Arrau.   Uri Segal
28-page 'Heft 5' booklet plus 3-folded 2-sided concert sheet.
17.0 cm x 23.9 cm 

1975, 14th April.  Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Wein. Austria.
Ausserordentlisches Gesellschaft Klavierabend
Claudio Arrau
: Beethoven, Brahms & Schumann.
Two-folded sheet plus one sheet.  14.9 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1975, 16th April.  Der Gemeinnützige Verein Erlangen (GVE).
Stadthalle Großer Saal. Bavaria
Claudio Arrau: Beethoven, Brahms & Schumann.
Two-folded sheet.  14.9 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1975, 27th April. 
Evenemangskonsert. Sveriges Radios Konserthuset. Stockholm.
Brahms: Pianokonsert nr 1 d-moll op. 15.
Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester.
Claudio Arrau.  Gary Bertini.
Eight-page brochure.  10.5 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1975, 29th & 30th April.  Saison 1974-75.  Strasbourg.  France.
Beethoven: Concerto pour piano et orchestre No.5 L'Empereur.
Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg.
Claudio Arrau.  Alceo Galliera.
68-page season prospectus booklet.  21.1 cm x 31.0 cm §.

1975, 4th & 5th May. Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.
Auditorio di Via della Conciliazione, Roma.

Beethoven: Concerto n.5 in mi bemolle maggiore op.73
per pianoforte e orchestra.
Orchestra Stabile dell'Accademia.
Claudio Arrau.  Gary Bertini.
28-page booklet.  14.2 cm x 21.2 cm §.

1975, 4th & 16th June.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven & Brahms recital by Claudio Arrau.

Beehoven's Piano Concertos No.4 in G & No.5 in E Emperor.  
>  Superseded: See below  <

Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  David Atherton.
32-page prospectus for October.  8.4 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1975, 4th June.  International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Festival Hall
. London.
Claudio Arrau
recital: Beethoven & Brahms.
12-page brochure.  18.6 cm x 24.2 cm §.

1975, 10th June. Eastbourne Festival '75.
The Congress Theatre
. East Sussex, U.K.
Claudio Arrau
Recital: Beethoven, Liszt & Schumann.
Eight-page brochure.  14.1 cm x 21.3 cm §.

1975, 12th June. Hallé Proms. Free Trade Hall. Manchester, U.K.
Claudio Arrau
Recital: Beethoven, Liszt & Schumann.
12-page brochure.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1975, 14th June. Llandaff Festival June '75.
Llandaff Cathedral. [Cardiff. Wales]
Recital by Claudio Arrau: Beethoven, Liszt & Schumann.
52-page booklet.  17.8 cm x 23.4 cm §.

1975, 16th June. International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G.
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  David Atherton
12-page booklet.  18.3 cm x 24.3 cm §.

1975, 24th August.  Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat major Op.73.
Scottish National Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Alexander Gibson.

Two-sided, five-folded sheet.  10.1 cm x 25.5 cm §.

1975, 24th & 25th August.  Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat major Op.73.
Scottish National Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Alexander Gibson.

Beethoven, Liszt and Schumann recital by Claudio Arrau.
12-page festival prospectus.  19.8 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1975, 24th & 25th August.  Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat major Op.73.
Scottish National Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Alexander Gibson.

Beethoven, Liszt and Schumann recital by Claudio Arrau.
118-page festival prospectus.  21.2 cm x 26.7 cm §.
1975, 26th September - 12th October. 
Newcastle Festival Prospectus
. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
Including Celebrity Recital by
Claudio Arrau (Beethoven & Liszt) on 12th October.
16-page brochure.  21.1 cm x 15.0 cm §.

1975, 27th September.  Newcastle Festival.
Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
Amadeus String Quartet performance.
Announcing Celebrity Recital by
Claudio Arrau (Beethoven & Liszt) on 12th October.
Eight-page brochure.  21.0 cm x 15.0 cm §.

1975, 11th October. Newcastle Festival.
Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
Sylvia Kersenbaum performance.
Announcing Celebrity Recital by
Claudio Arrau (Beethoven & Liszt) on 12th October.
12-page brochure.  20.8 cm x 15.4 cm §.

1975, 12th October. Newcastle Festival.
Theatre Royal
. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.
Celebrity Recital by Claudio Arrau: Beethoven & Liszt.
Eight-page brochure.  21.0 cm x 14.9 cm §.

1975, 15th & 31st October.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall. London.
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor.
New Philharmonia Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Kurt Sanderling.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor.
Hallé Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  James Loughran
32-page prospectus for October.  8.2 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1975, 15th October. The Royal Philharmonic Society.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.1 in E minor.
New Philharmonia Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Kurt Sanderling.
20-page booklet.  14.2 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1975, 23rd October.  Hallé Concerts Society.
Free Trade Hall, Manchester, UK.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor.
Hallé Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  James Loughran.
24-page booklet.  13.7 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1975, 26th October. 'Friends of Alyn Hospital' in Jerusalem.
The Great Hall, Lincolns Inn. London.
Benefit recital by Claudio Arrau: Beethoven and Liszt.
32-page booklet plus two tickets.  22.3 cm x 28.5 cm §.
1975, 30th October.  Bedford Music Club at the Corn Exchange.
Bedfordshire. England.
Beethoven, Ravel and Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
Three-folded sheet.  15.0 cm x 19.5 cm §.

1975, 31st October.  Hallé Concerts Society.
Royal Albert Hall, London.

Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2 in F minor.
Hallé Orchestra.   Claudio Arrau.  James Loughran.
20-page booklet.  13.9 cm x 21.2 cm §.

1976, 22nd May.  Beethoven & Schumann recital by Claudio Arrau.
'The Corn Exchane' Entertainment and Arts Centre,
Ipswich, Suffolk, UK.

>  Modified from an advertised all-Beethoven programme  <
36-page prospectus for May.  8.2 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1976, 24th May.  Beethoven recital by Claudio Arrau.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

>  Superseded: See below  <
36-page prospectus for May.  8.2 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1976, 24th May.  International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Albert Hall, London.

Beethoven and Schumann recital by Claudio Arrau.
12-page brochure.  22.9 cm x 20.3 cm §.

1976, 26th May.  Beethoven & Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
Sudbury Hall, Abbotsholme Arts Society, Derby, U.K.

Two-folded sheet..  20.9 cm x 29.8 cm §.

1976, 6th June.  International Celebrity Concert.
Royal Albert Hall, London.

Brahms's Piano Concertos No.1 in D minor & No.2 in B flat.
New Philharmonia Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Neville Marriner
12-page brochure.  22.9 cm x 20.3 cm §.

1976, 29th June.
Beethoven, Liszt & Schumann recital by Claudio Arrau.
Central Hall, University of York, England.

Two-folded sheet..  20.9 cm x 29.9 cm §.

1976, 7th October.  Birmingham Town Hall, UK.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2 Op.83.
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Meredith Davies.
12-page brochure.  20.0 cm x 20.0 cm §.

1976, 10th October. 
Beethoven & Schumann recital by Claudio Arrau.
Candleriggs City Hall, Glasgow, Scotland.

16-page brochure.  14.8 cm x 20.9 cm §.

1976, 12th October.  Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall, England.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1.
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Franz-Paul Decker.
20-page booklet.  14.5 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1976, 14th October.  Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 in E flat Op.73 Emperor.
The London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Klaus Tennstedt.
24-page booklet.  18.7 cm x 24.7 cm §.

1977, 24th, 25th & 26th March.
Beethoven's 150th Anniversary Symphonic Concerts.
V Koncert fortepianowy Es-dur op.73.
Orkiestra Symfoniczna Filharmonii Narodowej. Warsowa. Polska.
Claudio Arrau.  Witold Rowicki.
24-page booklet.  11.8 cm x 19.5 cm §.

1977, 29th April.  Städtischer Saalbau, Großer Saal.
Brahms Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr.2 in B-Dur op.83.
Philharmonisches Orchester der Stadt Essen.
Claudio Arrau. Heinz Wallberg.
Three-folded sheet.  14.3 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1977, 8th & 9th May. Hamburger Musikhalle/Laeiszhalle.
Franz Liszt Konzert Nr.2. A-dur für Klavier und Orchester.
Richard Strauss Burleske d-moll für Klavier und Orchester.
NDR Sinfonieorchester.   Claudio Arrau.  Klaus Tennstedt.
Two-folded sheet plus one sheet.  20.5 cm x 20.5 cm §.

1977, 20th June.  Music on the South Bank.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

Beethoven, Liszt & Brahms recital by Claudio Arrau.

36-page prospectus for June.  8.1 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1977, 20th June.  Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven, Liszt and Brahms recital by Claudio Arrau.
Two-folded sheet.  21.1 cm x 30.0 cm §.

1977, 26th August.  Tanglewood Festival, Massachusetts, USA.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No. 1 Opus 15.
Boston Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Seiji Ozawa.
56-page festival booklet.  13.9 cm x 21.4 cm §.

1978, 8th January.
Beethoven and Brahms recital by Claudio Arrau.
Royce Hall, University of California, Los Angeles.
Three-folded sheet.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.

1978, 30th January.  All Star Forum.
Beethoven, Liszt and Brahms recital by Claudio Arrau.
Academy of Music. Philadelphia. USA.
Item autographed by Claudio Arrau  <

Two-folded, two-sided sheet & programme change sheet.
15.4 cm x 22.9 cm

1978, 5th February.  A 75th Birthday Concert.
Beethoven, Liszt and Brahms recital by Claudio Arrau.

Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, New York.
44-page brochure.  14.4 cm x 22.9 cm §.

1978, 22nd, 23rd & 24th April.  Philharmonie, Berlin.
Beethoven Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr. IV in G-dur op.58.
Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester.
Claudio Arrau.  Gabriel Chmura.
Three-folded sheet.  16.8 cm x 23.9 cm §.

1977/78, Heft 7.  Philharmonische Blätter, Berlin.
Claudio Arrau zum 75.  Geburtstag am 6. Februar.

28-page brochure.  17.1 cm x 24.0 cm §.

1977/78.  Claudio Arrau-exclusiv auf Philips-Schallplatten.
Three-folded sheet.  10.3 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1978, 30th April.  Cardiff International Concerts.
Beethoven and Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.

New Theatre, Cardiff, Wales.
12-page brochure.  14.9 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1978, 3rd May. 
Brahms, Schumann & Beethoven recital by Claudio Arrau.
Royal Festival Hall, London.

>  Superseded: See below  <
32-page prospectus for May.  8.3 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1978, 3rd May.  Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven and Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
Two-folded sheet.  21.0 cm x 29.9 cm §.

1978, 5th May.  Brighton Festival. The Dome. England.
Brahms, Schuman & Beethoven recital by Claudio Arrau.
>  Programme superseded: Modified to Beethoven and Liszt  <
68-page festival booklet.  20.9 cm x 29.9 cm §.
1978, 14th June. Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos Nos. 4 & 5 Emperor.
>   In aid of the Musicians Benevolent Fund   <
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Walter Susskind.

28-page prospectus for June.  8.2 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1978, 14th June.  Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos Nos. 4 & 5 Emperor.
>  In aid of the Musicians Benevolent Fund  <
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Walter Susskind.
One-sided flyer.  18.5 cm x 25.3 cm §.

1978, 14th June.  Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven's Piano Concertos Nos. 4 & 5 Emperor.
>  In aid of the Musicians Benevolent Fund  <
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Walter Susskind.
Eight-page brochure.  21.0 cm x 29.9 cm §.

1978, 17th June.  Philharmonic Hall, Liverpool, England.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 Emperor.
>  Relayed live by the BBC on Radio 3  <
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Walter Weller.
12-page brochure.  14.4 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1978, 19th June.  Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Scotland.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4.
Scottish National Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Lawrence Foster.
20-page booklet.  13.9 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1978, 29th September. Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3.
Hallé Orchestra.   Claudio Arrau.  James Loughran.
32-page prospectus for September.  8.2 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1978, 29th September. Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37.
Hallé Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  James Loughran.
16-page booklet.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1978, 1st October. Free Trade Hall. Manchester. England.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor Op.37.
Hallé Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  James Loughran.
20-page booklet.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1978, 3rd October.  Beethoven and Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
Royal Dublin Society Concert Hall. Dublin. Republic of Ireland.
Three-folded sheet.  10.0 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1978, 6th October.  Poole Arts Centre. Wessex Hall. UK.
Claudio Arrau's Recital: Beethoven & Liszt.
Two-folded sheet.  21.0 cm x 30.3 cm §.

1978, 8th October.  Beethoven and Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
Memorial Hall. Marlborough College. Wiltshire. England.
Four pages. Two sheets.  20.3 cm x 25.5 cm §.

1978, 13th & 14th October. 
Usher Hall, Edinburgh  &  City Hall, Glasgow, Scotland.
Chopin's Piano Concerto No.2. 
Scottish National Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Sir Alexander Gibson.
>  Arrau ill, Shura Cherkassky filled in playing Liszt Piano concerto No.1 instead  <
24-page booklet.  14.0 cm x 21.5 cm §.

1979, 16th December.
LSO 75th Anniversary. Royal Festival Hall, London.
Liszt's Piano Concerto No.2 in A major.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Colin Davis.
40-page booklet.  18.3 cm x 24.5 cm §.

1980, 23rd May. Royal Festival Hall, London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.2.     >  Superseded: See below  <
London Symphony Orchestra. Claudio Arrau. Riccardo Chailly.
32-page prospectus for May.  8.2 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1980, 23rd May.
LSO 75th Anniversary. Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor.
London Symphony Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Riccardo Chailly.
36-page booklet.  18.8 cm x 24.5 cm §.

1980, 28th & 30th August.  Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland
Beethoven, Debussy, Liszt and Chopin recital by Claudio Arrau.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G.
Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra.   Claudio Arrau.  Kurt Masur.

68-page festival prospectus.  21.1 cm x 29.8 cm §.
1980, 18th June.  Recital by Claudio Arrau.
Plymouth Guild Hall. England.
Beethoven, Debussy, Chopin and Liszt..
Eight-page brochure in a folder.  15.5 cm x 23.3 cm §.

1980, 28th August.  Recital by Claudio Arrau.
Usher Hall.  Scotland.
Beethoven, Debussy, Liszt and Chopin.
Four-folded sheet.  10.1 cm x 25.5 cm §.

1980, 30th August. Usher Hall, Scotland.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G minor Op.58.
Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchester.
Claudio Arrau.  Kurt Masur.
Five-folded sheet.  10.2 cm x 25.0 cm §.


. .
1981, 9th November.   Royal Festival Hall, London.
Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven, Schumann, Debussy, Chopin and Liszt.
Two-folded sheet.  21.1 cm x 29.8 cm §.


1981, 11th November.  Royal Festival Hall.  London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Charles Groves.
Two-page three-folded sheet.  9.4 cm x 21.8 cm §.

1981, 11th November.  Royal Festival Hall.  London.
Brahms's Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor.
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Sir Charles Groves.
36-page booklet.  14.1 cm x 21.7 cm §.

1982, 11th, 12th, 13th & 16th February.
Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, N.Y.
Weber's Konzertstück for Piano and Orchestra Op.79.
Liszt's Concerto No.2 for Piano and Orchestra in A major.
New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Klaus Tennstedt.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
56-page booklet.  14.5 cm x 23.1 cm §.

1982, 25th March.
Claudio Arrau's recital of works by Beethoven and Liszt.
Hörsaalgebäude der Universität Münster, Germany.
16-page brochure.  14.5 cm x 20.6 cm §.

1982, 2nd June.  Théâtre des Champs-Elysées.  Salle Pleyel.  Paris.
Claudio Arrau's recital of works by Liszt and Beethoven.
44-page booklet (prospectus).  10.1 cm x 20.8 cm §.

1982, 8th June.  Royal Festival Hall, London.
Claudio Arrau's recital of works by Beethoven and Liszt.
Two-folded sheet.  21.0 cm x 29.9 cm §.

1982, 6th July. A du Maurier Concert. Royal Festival Hall. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4.
Philharmonia Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Riccardo Muti.
48-page booklet.  18.7 cm x 24.8 cm §.
1982, 15th August.
Salzburger Festspiele. Großes Festspielhaus. Salzburg, Austria.
Claudio Arrau
's last appearance at Salzburg:
Works by Beethoven & Liszt.
360-page, complete festival prospectus.  17.5 cm x 23.4 cm §.

1983, 15th August. Festival de Musique de Menton.
Parvis St-Michel. France.
Claudio Arrau's recital of works by
Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy and Liszt.
Festival prospectus.  40-page booklet.  24.0 cm x 32.5 cm §.
1983, 30th August. Edinburgh International Festival.
Usher Hall. Scotland.
R.Strauss's Burleske in D major for Piano and Orchestra.
Weber's Konzertstück for Piano and Orchestra.
London Philharmonic Orchestra.
Claudio Arrau.  Klaus Tennstedt.
334-page book (complete programme guide).  14.7 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1983, 9th September.  Théatre Municipal de Besançon. France.
XXXVIe festival international de musique de Besançon.
Claudio Arrau
's recital: Beethoven. Brahms. Debussy. Liszt. Chopin.
188-page book (complete festival programme guide).
21.1 cm x 29.8 cm

1984, 16th February.   Carnegie Hall. New York.
Recital by Claudio Arrau:
Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy, Brahms.
40-page booklet.  14.2 cm x 23.1 cm §.

1984, 3rd & 4th April.
Beethoven: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester Nr.5 op.73.
Philharmonie. Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester.
Claudio Arrau.  Lorin Maazel.
20-page booklet.  18.1 cm x 24.1 cm §.


1984, May.  Claudio Arrau en Chile.  Classical Music Video Productions, N.Y.

Brahms: Piano Concerto No.1 Op.15.
Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.5 Op.73 Emperor.
Orquesta Filarmónica de Santiago.
Claudio Arrau.  Juan Pablo Izquierdo.
Teatro Municipal. Santiago.

Brahms: Sonata No.3 Op.5.
Beethoven: Sonatas No.7 Op.10-3 & No.23 Op.57 Appassionata.
Recital by Claudio Arrau.  Teatro Municipal.  Santiago.
[This announced recital pogramme was superseded. See 'Crornology']

Beethoven: Piano Concertos Nos 4 Op.58 & 5 Op.73 Emperor.
Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad de Chile.
Claudio Arrau.  Víctor Tevah.
Catedral Metropolitana de Santiago.

62-page booklet.  28.5 cm x 28.5 cm §.

1984, 21st June.  Recital by Claudio Arrau.
Grand Théatre de Genève, Switzerland.
Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Liszt & Debussy.
>   Item signed by Claudio Arrau   <
16-page booklet.  10.4 cm x 21.1 cm §.

1984, 15th October.  Concerto straordinario. 
Teatro alla Scala.  Milano.
Recital di Claudio Arrau: Beethoven e Liszt.
60-page booklet.  17.0 cm x 24.1 cm §.
1985, 24th April.  Temporada 84/85.
Fundaçao Calouste Gulbenkian. Lisboa.
Beethoven and Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
12-page brochure.  15.0 cm x 23.0 cm §.

1985, 10th June.  The 1985 Shandwick Recital.
Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven and Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
16-page brochure.  21.2 cm x 29.8 cm §.

1985, 5th Sept.  Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.3 Op.37.
Philharmonie. Berliner Philharmoniker.
Claudio Arrau.  Riccardo Muti.
1986, 16th & 17th April.  Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 Op.73.
Philharmonie. Berliner Philharmoniker. Klaus Tennstedt.
Claudio Arrau.   Eugen Jochum.

48-page booklet.  17.0 cm x 23.8 cm §.

1985, 4th October.  Salle Pleyel, Paris.
Liszt: Concerto pour piano No.2
Orchestre de Paris. 
Claudio Arrau
  Daniel Baremboïm.
Eight-page brochure.  15.0 cm x 21.0 cm §.

1986, 28th May.  Théâtre Musical de Paris - Châtelet, Mairie de Paris.
Beethoven Piano Recital by Claudio Arrau.
Sonates pour piano n° 7, 23 Appassionata,
26 Les Adieux, et 21 Waldstein.
Twenty-page booklet.  21.0 cm x 26.9 cm

1986, 3rd June.  Royal Festival Hall, London.
Beethoven's Piano Sonata Recital by Claudio Arrau.
Eight-page brochure.  21.0 cm x 29.7 cm §.

1987.  Philips promotion of Claudio Arrau's recent recordings.
One-sided flyer.  15.0 cm x 21.2 cm §.
1987, 20th April.  Beethoven & Liszt recital by Claudio Arrau.
McCater Theatre, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA.
Item signed by Claudio Arrau  <
Two-sided three-folded sheet.  13.9 cm x 21.5 cm §.
1988, 7th August.  Tanglewood Festival. Tanglewood Music Center. Massachusetts. USA.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.4 in G op.58
Boston Symphony Orchestra.  Claudio Arrau.  Jesús López-Cobos.
96-page booklet.  14.0 cm x 21.6 cm §.



1988, 3rd November.  Caudio Arrau 85th Birthday Concert.
The Barbican Centre. London.
Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.5 Emperor.
London Symphony Orchestra.   Claudio Arrau.  Sir Colin Davis.
28-page booklet.  21.2 cm x 29.7 cm §.
1992, 7th March.  Caudio Arrau Memorial Concert.
The Barbican Centre. London.
Verdi's Requiem.
Sharon Sweet, Katherine Ciesinski, Vicente Ombuena, Robert Lloyd.
London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus. Sir Colin Davis.
40-page booklet.  20.3 cm x 20.1 cm §.
2003.  Célébration du centenaire de la naissance de Claudio Arrau.
Appassionata d'André Tubeuf  et
Edition Arrau Heritage de Philips.
Two-sided, two-folded sheet.  21.2 cm x 29.8 cm §.

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This section last updated on 26th October 2024