
Photo Gallery 10: Piano Rolls

Piano rolls    Piano rolls    Piano rolls

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Claudio Arrau:
Virtuola Piano Rolls, Germany, 30 August 1912

Bach / Kleine Präludien Nr.3 C-moll.  
Virtuola 5170 /
1 piano roll / Germany


Claudio Arrau's perforations of:
Moscheles /
Gesellschaftskonzert, 1 Satz.
Moszkowski /
Tarantelle Op.77.
Haydn /
Allegro F-dur.
Bach /
Kleine Präludien Nr.3.
Virtuola 5167, 5168, 5169 & 5170
/ 4 piano rolls / Germany. 
Preserved by the Pianola Museum of Amsterdam.

Aeolian Art Duo Rolls, England, 1922
[These two images for illustration purposes only:
not from the actual rolls]

Schubert / Impromptu No.4 of D.935.
PR 010 / 1 piano roll / England /
[Erroneously identified on the piano roll]

Menter / Valse dedicated to Claudio Arrau.
PR 019 / 1 piano roll / England /

Piano Rolls

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