
Photo Gallery 07:  Visual Arts

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1921. Caricature of Claudio Arrau. German press.


1923, 29th Dec. Claudio Arrau. Portrait from photograph.
The Windsor Star, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

1932. Early June. Claudio Arrau. Caricature.
La Gaceta. Tucumán.  Argentina.


Mid 1940s. Caricature of Claudio Arrau,
by G.M. Shellhase. USA.


1944. Claudio Arrau. Coloured photograph.
Victor Red Seal. USA.

. .

Circa 1945.  Sketch of Claudio Arrau by Helen Hokinson
From The New Yorker.

1940s.  Sketch of Claudio Arrau in pencil.

1949. Claudio Arrau. Caricature by Harold Schonberg.
From 'The Gramophone', February.


1954. Portrait of Claudio Arrau.
Drawing. Musical America. USA.


Year? Arrau. Portrait as illustration. §.


Year?  Claudio Arrau.  Sketch.
Digital artwork by Espen Terjesen.


c.1966.  Portrait of Claudio Arrau. Philips. Holland.

1968.  Caricature of Claudio Arrau.
'Sydney Morning Herald', 26th August. Australia.

1960s.  Caricature of Claudio Arrau. Philips, Japan.

Circa 1970.  Portrait of Claudio Arrau.
Drawing by ABC daily, Madrid.

Circa 1972.  Portrait of Claudio Arrau.
Drawing by Eduardo Amstrong Aldunate.
Cover page of 'La Revista del Domingo',
Santiago, Chile, 23 August 1973.

Circa 1974. Claudio Arrau.
Portrait by David Davies (other than).

1975. Claudio Arrau
whilst playing Beethoven Sonata No.4 Op.7.
Pencil and ink. Illustration by Georges, signed by C.A.

Circa 1975. Claudio Arrau. Drawing from photograph.
Cover illustration by A. Downes.

1976. Claudio Arrau. Drawing from photograph, by
John V. Uddstrom, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

1978, February.  Caricature of Claudio Arrau at 75.
'Gramophone' magazine cover.
Drawing by Gramophone, London.


1981, January/February. Claudio Arrau. Drawing.  
The 92nd Street YM/YWHA, 1980/81 Season.  New York.


1983. Portrait of Claudio Arrau. Philips Edition. Holland.


Year?  Claudio Arrau.  
Portrait from photograph.

Year?   Claudio Arrau.
Grafito sobre papel, de Sebastián Ortega.
Fundación Artes Visuales. Argentina.

1984, May.  Claudio Arrau final visit to Chile.
Portrait by Maffioletti.


1986.  Claudio Arrau rehearsing.
Charcoal portrait.  Artist?


1986. Claudio Arrau performing.
Charcoal sketch by Elsie Dinsmore Popkin, N.Y.


Claudio Arrau at an old age.
Caricaturist: Tirso.

2002. Portrait of Claudio Arrau from photograph,
by Francisco Correa.
El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile, 18 August 2002.


2005. Claudio Arrau.
Portrait from photograph, by M. Sasinka.

2010. Claudio Arrau. Ink drawing by Frank de Ponte. §.




Mid 1930s. Claudio Arrau, by sculptor Mario Bernasconi.  
Museum Mario Bernasconi, Pazzallo, Ticino, Switzerland.


1991.  Claudio Arrau "Ciudadano del Mundo".  
Coined in bronze and copper by
'Casa de Moneda de Chile' [Chilean Mint].
Carved by Pedro Urzúa Lizana.
§. §.

1992. Claudio Arrau's bust in bronze by
sculptor Arturo Hevia Salazar. Chillán. Chile

1992. Claudio Arrau's head by sculptor Friar Jorge Barba.
Parque Américo Vespucio Oriente. Vitacura. Santiago. Chile

Bronze head of Claudio Arrau,
by Josef Pillhofer, Mürzzuschlag, Austria.

First exhibited publicly in 1994. 
A replica of this bust, made by the sculptor himself,
was donated in 1995 to the
'Museo Claudio Arrau' of Chillán, Chile,
by the visiting Lord Mayor of Mürzzuschlag.

Life-sized bronze sculpture of Claudio Arrau at the piano,
by Pamela Galleguillos Schiappacasse, Chillán, Chile,
unveiled to the public
on 6th February 2024. 
Image contributed by Roberto Mardones.

Images by locals Leonardo Zamora Arjona
and Hugo Caro Núñez,
contributed by Roberto Córdova Martínez.
Image contributed by the sculptor,
Pamela Galleguillos Schiappacasse.

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This section last updated on 22nd November 2024