
Photo Gallery 03 - Early Career

-  Arrau's Early Career  - 

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Arrau.   Photo used in Havana in 1939
Arrau.   Photo used in Buenos Aires in 1940
Arrau rehearsing. 1940. Buenos Aires.
Arrau rehearsing. 1940. Buenos Aires.
Arrau rehearsing. 1940. New Jersey. USA.
1940. June.  Santiago.  Chile.
Rafael de Silva, Tótila Albert Schneider & Claudio Arrau.

1940. 8th July.  After a broadcast performance.
Middle: Claudio Arrau, pianist, and Juan José Castro, conductor.
Others: Mr.G.L.Dillon, P.R. Head with the McCann Erickson Publicity Co.
and musicians Alberto Castellanos and Adolfo Gendelman.
Radio El Mundo LR1 1070.   Buenos Aires.
[Image kindly contributed by Ms. Ma. Pilar Nosti Escanilla]
Arrau posing, 1941, USA
1941.  Claudio Arrau posing
Promotional photo by RCA Victor & the National Concert & Artists Co.
New York, USA
. §.

Arrau posing, circa 1942, USA.
     Arrau rehearsing,  1942,  USA. §.
     Arrau rehearsing,  1942,  USA. §.
Arrau posing, circa 1942, USA.

Arrau posing, circa 1944, USA.
Arrau posing, circa 1945, USA.
Arrau posing, 1945, USA.
Arrau posing, 1945-6, USA.  Photos Yvonne Le Roux.
Arrau posing, 1945-6. RCA Victor Red Seal Artist. New York.
[Colored photo]

Arrau posing, 1946-7, USA. §.
Arrau posing, 1946-7, USA.
Arrau posing, 1946-7
Arrau performing, circa 1947, USA. §.
Arrau posing, circa 1947, USA

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This page last updated on 29th July 2023